07 | Hazy

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07 | Hazy: Start





You stare at the night sky for longer then you had expected. But eventually you decide to go to Hange's office. They probably think your dead because of your absence at dinner and from your room. 

Following Levi's directions you find your way back to your room. From there you know your way to Hange's office. 

Walking throughout the lonely dark halls, you cant help but still have your mind on what Levi said earlier. 


I know that name.. But who- 

Your thoughts are cut off from the sound of a gasp and Hange screaming and running at you. 


They tackle you onto the ground, hugging you tightly and whining.

"I thought you died, you little dumbass!" They complained while shaking you.

"Yeah yeah, I'm alive. I'm disappointed too," You say sarcastically while they continue shaking you. 

"Very funny, Mia. But your still in a very weak state. Its dangerous for you to be out and about without someone to accompany you.." They say, worry in their voice and expression. 

You understand that your still extremely weak physically from not getting any food or water for such a long time. And you also understand that its going to take some time to get back to full health. But you cant help but feel frustrated with basically being confined to three rooms and bound to someone constantly. 

"I understand.." you say back to Hange- who's now stopped shaking you. 

They sigh noticing how your feeling instantly. 

They move their hands to your shoulders and smile softly at you, "Just rest, then you'll get to do all the crazy shit you wanna do. I promise it won't be so bad," You smile back at them. 

"Yeah, alright. Just- please no making me stay in my room the entire time. Don't know why, but I've got a feeling I've been stuck in my room for too long in the past," Hange nods in understanding. "You've got it, cupcake~" You roll your eyes at the nickname you had told them you remember being called. 

Then, something in your brain clicks. 





"Farlannn- I sware to god, stop with the stupid nickname already!" You complain rubbing your eyes. 

He smiles innocently, "Why, cupcake~? I think it suits you perfectly," He says back while putting dishes away. 

"What do you mean 'suits me'? I think its stupid," you say putting your chin on your knees as you sit on the couch. 

You hear him sigh and put some dishes down. 

You feel a hand on your shoulder, and look up.

Farlan- smiling at you, "Yes, it suits you."

You smile back but hide it by shoving your face further in your knees. 

"How..?" You simply ask. 


"Cause' why?"

"Your sweet, just like a cupcake!" He chuckles at your now flushed face, and pats your head before going back to doing the dishes. 

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