I know someone

10 4 1


anyone can be hurting.


to anyone in pain who hides it.


I know someone

I know someone.

they're hurting,

they're cracking.

their eyes hold pain

and their voice is strained.

I know someone.

they're beautiful

yet sorrowful.

blind to their own charm

causing themselves harm.

I know someone.

they're like a fire.

for they flicker

and they're a giver,

lending light

to those in despair.

burning hotter than they appear.

I know someone.

plain to the sight

but always ready for flight.

let them fly free

by giving them a key

to the lock holding them back.

pull them away from the crack

that's always threatening to attack.

I know someone

and so do you.

hidden so well

you could never tell

of the pain they're in.

their wall is thin

so look within.

they carry a burden,

of that I'm certain.

give them a smile

or stay for a while.

we're always there

so take good care

for there's no way to know

whose appearance is just a pose.


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