23 2 0

(Lore 8 was unlocked when I had manage to host 100 games in total.)

You wake up in a forest called: 

Trees N' Woods. 

You don't remember how you got there nor the details of why you were there. 

Somehow, the ponies you knew from MTG were also there. 

Confusion, distressed, and fear. 

The place was known to all. 

See them enter, then come back with their disorientated bodies near the entrance. 


Rumours has it that there was something there... 

Perhaps a monster. 

Every waking hour, you feel as if somepony was watching you. 

The others felt that too. 

Huddling up inside the tent gave everypony reassurance as well as easing that eerie feeling. 

Then a letter appeared from your backpacks. 

'The entrance and exit are blocked.' 

'Find the items to escape.' 

'Good luck.' 

'Only the light can save you now.' 

As you ventured through the night, stepping on a twig was not a great idea. 

A growled whispered behind the bushes. 

"1 h34r 4 50und-" 

Another scream, retching tale had begun once again. 

H e r e   w e   g o   a g a i n

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