Chapter: 16

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Dante Ferrari POV

I had come here to keep an eye on Alex. He seemed to be a very easy person. He was careless, bossy, but also very protective about the girl's emotions.

 Aria played around while eating. I guess she has ADHD as she isn't able to sit down on her seat for a second! 

(ADHD is a disorder. It has these symptoms; Inattention–having difficulty paying attention. Hyperactivity–having too much energy or moving and talking too much. Impulsivity–acting without thinking or having difficulty with self-control.)

"Why are you jumping around girl? Sit down and eat" Chris scolded. "Ai, watch what you say for my girl" I said and glared at him. "I don't like to sit" She said taking another spoon as I fed her. She ran to the sink as soon as I fed her. She spit it out.

 "I said no vegies!" She screamed at me. I laughed. She grumped. I fed her without vegetables. She's too thin. I need to find a way to feed her vegetables.

 "I know what you are thinking brother, but trust me. We used to have this chef that got fed up of her, so he put the vegetables in the mixer. Her crushed them into milli pieces which we couldn't see, he put it inside soup... You wouldn't believe, when she took the first bite she immediately threw it up back in the plate" Alex said eating his food peacefully. 

"She's got good instincts" Nemesis said looking at her. She ran around the hall. "Has she always been this energetic?" Jackson said eating even tho his mouth was full. 

"Oh, you haven't met the wild her... That T.V you see there *Alex points at the T.V and the boys nod* It's the 13th T.V we got in this house" Alex said separating the tomatoes. "HUH!?" Jackson said shocked as he choked the food. Nemesis started coughing. 

"Yeah, It's brand new actually... we got it last month probably" Alex said as if it was a normal thing. "Brother, how the fuck did you get the rest of them broken?" Taylor said as he woke up. "Ask her" Alex said and pointed at Aria. 

"The very first one which we had was when we were 13 when we had newly come here, Alex went out with his friends and they didn't take us with them, so we just started playing baseball at home. So at the very first ball Luna threw I hit the ball with the bat straight into the T.V" Aria said munching another spoon of the food. 

She noticed beef in Nemesis food. "What's that?" She asked curiously. "It's beef" He answered politely. "Beef? You mean cow meat?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm Muslim" He said. "Oh, I thought you were Christian" Aria said thinking. 

"I have my real name hidden, Dante's dad changed our names when he adopted us" Nemesis said slowly. "Oh, You guys are adopted??" Aria asked. 

Nemesis had a dark past and everyone knows it, at the age of 5 his dad killed his mother in front of his eyes when his dad was drunk. He has his mother's face and eyes. The last thing he saw of his mother was her eyes looking straight at him telling him to run. His dad shot himself immediately after killing his wife. Nemesis had walked out of his house and reached the police with blood stains on his clothes. After a few months, my dad took him in. 

My dad was a kind person to the four of them, but horrible to me. I never knew why he hit me, punished me, or made me kill someone at the age of 10. 

"Nemesis?" Aria called. I saw him not moving an inch. "Aria, he shouldn't talk about it... it isn't nice" Alex said. "Oh, I'm sorry" Aria said and closed her eyes. "It's fine" Jackson said. 

Jackson parents were murdered. His parents were in mafia as well, Yet now we do not know who killed them. Nemesis still didn't move. I guess he is having a flashback of his past. Tears filled in his eyes. He whipped his tears immediately. "I need to go to the bathroom" Nemesis and got out the table immediately. "Go straight, to the right" Alex said.

 Aria kept running around making herself tired. Us men talked about stuffs and talked about school things. Suddenly we heard a crashing sound.

 We immediately turned and I saw Nemesis standing while Aria was on the ground. Aria had bumped into Nemesis which caused her to hit the flower pots and crashed all of them on the ground. "ARIA!" Alex yelled.

 Aria shivered as soon as she heard Alex's voice. She looked at him shivering. "I'm sorry" She said as she started hiccupping. She started crying immediately. 

Nemesis helped her get up. He checked if she had gotten hurt but she was safe. Alex got up with me and we walked to them. "Sorry, I was too lost in my thoughts" Nemesis said. "I'm sowwwyyy" She said and cried more. Alex rolled his eyes.

 "Come on, go sit like a good girl while I call the nana behind the house to come clean it" Alex said and pushed her. I held her not to fall. "Who is Nana?" Jackson doubted immediately. 

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