17-♥️First Kiss♥️

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Hello My Beautiful Ladies👋🥰

Let's start today's chapter👇

H♥A♥P♥P♥Y♥ R♥E♥A♥D♥I♥N♥G♥

~𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡 𝐏𝐎𝐕

When i saw her eating from his hand i just can't control myself and went inside my room from there . I don't know but i didn't like it .

When i saw her hugging him ,i didn't know why i started fuming with anger , my blood started boiling and I couldn't control myself and drove the car at full speed . Why i got angry , she is no one to me remember revansh she is only for the world my wife but for me she is only rian's mommy nothing else .

Whenever I am angry , i just drive a car like a mad person with full speed and don't care about myself .

I can't understand my feelings , whenever i see her, my heartbeat increases and today when i was locking her necklace, for the first time i touched her neck i know she shivered by my touch but somewhere i also felt like my body started craving for more . I have to control myself again i can't let those things happen and control me and my emotions .

I parked my car on the side of the streets and without telling her anything i got out of the car. I was in no mood to talk to her so i ignored her . I went towards the chocolate shop because rian told me to take chocolate for him. I can't say no to my babe .

I went to the shop which was far from where i parked the car . I entered and bought chocolates from there . I went towards my car but she is not there , where she went now this girl ughhh!!

I kept choclates in the backseat of car and looked here and there for her can't she sit in the car !!

𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐏𝐎𝐕

I just froze on my place . I shut my eyes and cover my ears from hand . I was not able to say anything like someone sealed my mouth . Suddenly someone pulled me and my body to something hard . I opened my eyes and looked with teary eyes at who pulled me . Revansh , he was looking at me in anger , i just can't handle anything anymore i don't want to live now !!

"Are you mad ?" He shouted.

I didn't say anything.

"That car was about to hit you , he was shouting at you to side where were you lost idiot ?" He asked me.

I hugged him tightly and started crying badly!!

"An-ansh where were you , i thought you left m-me , i started looking for you but i lo-lost here and then that sound started," I said to me while sobbing.

I cried badly like a 2 year old baby . He was just standing there not saying anything !!


I kept my hand on my ears .

"Stop this sound ansh , stop this please," I said.

"Shhhh don't worry i am here stop crying," He said.

"Please ansh let's go home ," I said .

"Hmm let's go and stop crying like a babe," He said.

I wiped my tears and held his biceps tightly like someone is coming to take me away from him . We started walking and reached the car .

He opened the door for me and i sat inside then he sat on the driving seat and started driving gladly at normal speed .

I closed my eyes to calm myself . We reached after some time and he parked the car . I opened the door and got out of the car but suddenly my vision became blurry i held my head which was spinning like hell . I tried to walk furthur but i was about to fall when he held my waist .

Adarika:His Ignored Bride♥️Where stories live. Discover now