2: social parallels

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content warning: intense romantic (yes romantic, not sexual) themes ahead, read at your own risk ;)

'Maybe the case isn't entirely solved.'

The words kept running through Mr. Bingo's head, making him believe he had failed in delivering the very justice he sought– and that, there was more to this case than met his eye.

The flight landed at Madison and they gathered near the cafe just outside the airport.

The SNAP cafe was bustling with a vibrant energy and baristas taking orders. The table to their left had a kid who was constantly crying and the parents were trying hard to shush the baby but to no avail.

Molly walked over to their table and the baby's hazel eyes immediately lit up with wonder. She cooed the baby and made small talk with the parents.

The kid eventually fell asleep in the stroller and his parents thanked her profusely, even trying to offer her tip but Molly politely declined and returned to her seat.

"You seem to have quite the charm with kids," Mr. Bingo observed.

Molly waved it off casually, "I had to practically raise my younger sister, though my parents, bless their souls, tried their best and did most of the things. That kind of ethereal experience adds a touch of magic to life that's otherwise not felt."

"I haven't been much around Paige but I think you're right." He said with a small smile.

Miguel just observed the conversation from the sidelines. He didn't have any siblings to brag about and that often made him feel lonely but he got used to it pretty quickly.

"Having siblings must be nice," he admitted softly.

"It truly is," Molly answered, "You don't have any?"

Miguel observed the camaraderie between Molly and Mr. Bingo with a hint of envy. Growing up as an only child, he often felt the sting of solitude, a feeling that resurfaced now as he watched them.

Molly sensed the truth even as he tried his best to hide it and offered him a side hug.

"Don't worry Miguel, we're here for you." She reassured him.

"And if nothing works, you can just apply some petroleum jelly on your wounds." Mr. Bingo said with a suggestive smirk.

"Mr. Bingo!" Molly said as a blush crept up her cheeks.

He let out a hearty chuckle making her shake her head.

"I couldn't resist the joke," Mr. Bingo admitted.

"Anyways," Miguel started in an attempt to steer the conversation away from more double entendres, "We had something to tell you."

Molly decided to play along, "Is it the fact that you guys finally got together and want me to officiate your wedding ceremony? I'd be more than happy to be the best person on the show."

Mr. Bingo was startled but he didn't let it deter him, "Not unless you're in the group... you know?"

He suggestively wiggled his eyebrows when Miguel gave him a playful shove.

"Hey!" Mr. Bingo protested, "You don't have to always hit the spot, you know?"

This time, both Molly and Miguel looked away shyly as their faces turned red like tomatoes in embarrassment.

"Can we just get back to the conversation?" Molly said at last.

"Yeah, uh..." Miguel said as he cleared his throat and Mr. Bingo adjusted in his seat.

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