9: quel désastre

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a/n: this chapter is not in French, you can continue reading forward

"Nick?" Molly called out as she exited her room to find Nick, who was busy behind his laptop.

'don't know how to be close to someone who's so distant'

Mr. Bingo paused his music and looked up at Molly who was now standing in front of him.

He asks her about the matter to which she responds, "Well, remember our earlier suspicion of Mr. Thompson?" When he nodded, she continued, "Where is he?"

She scrunched her eyebrows in thought. They hadn't talked about it for a while and she realized they had to look at that perspective too.

"Surprisingly, I haven't heard of him in a good while. Lena called me last and said since he needed a break, they managed things on their own and so they paid him his last salary and let him go. Why do you ask?"

"He could be able to help us with these chemicals and everything. I mean, the documents we do have are limited and the internet isn't very reliable."

"I have something figured out for that actually," He said as he turned his laptop screen to face her, "This will help us."

The screen depicted several lines of code of nested conditionals, test cases and other things that were colored in blue and white.

Her mind whirred. "What are you working on, exactly?"

"A dating app," He spoke and Molly's eyes narrowed, ready to bellow him when he quickly added, "For Llamas."

Molly threw her hands up in the air. "Quel Désastre?!"

He was quipped for this, "Ce n'est pas un désastre!"

She was slightly taken back and couldn't decide if she was baffled because he was creating a dating app for llamas or he knew how to speak French.

"You aren't serious." Molly eventually said as she crossed her arms.

"I am actually. Very serious." He responded in a cool tone.

"I am surrounded by idiots!" She said, dropping her arm to her sides.

"The second time you're using that statement today."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "And how would you know that?"

"Because I told him." A voice announced.

Julia stood at the doorway, leaning against the hinges.

"And why would you be here, my sweet devil?" She tried her best but winced eventually.

"I wanted to call you both for lunch but I guess I will leave you two be..." She feigned walking away and Molly just looked at her in disbelief, as if she'd just challenged her for a duel.

"Don't you dare." She said evenly.

The moment couldn't have been more perfect for this: The sound of a bleeping llama filled the room. Not one, tons of them.

They all looked at the laptop whose code seemed to have a mind of its own and played the clip.

Mr. Bingo couldn't hold in his laughter but looking at Molly's expressions, quickly took the note and closed it.

He gave his playful grin, trying to prove himself innocent.

"Say your last words before I throw you to the gallows." Molly threatened without an emotion.

"There's not enough room to swing a cat!" Julia teased before fleeing downstairs.

Molly wanted to give her an earful but she disappeared. She trained her attention on Mr. Bingo who was guffawing to the point of tears.

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