10: run with the wolves

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"Strycherin! I should've known. How did I miss it?!"

Miguel announced in the group chat. The lab results were back about Dean's fluid samples, along with the food of the bakery.

"It's in one of the documents, isn't it?" Molly typed in.

"Well, yes, of course it is!"

There was a pause before he responded, "I am sorry. My brain is on an override and I can't process this information."

"How could this have happened?" Mr. Bingo asked.

"This poisonous substance comes from Lorenzé region that's south to Chicago suburb. What is surprising is, since it was often used on the sheep, and inadvertently, the plants, the sugar that did come from those farms might be the reason. But it's even more surprising that it largely only affects the wolves — not people. Why do we have medical cases left and right?!"

"Anything that affects animals eventually would have an effect on us."

Molly explained as she let out a sigh. "As to why we have so many cases — wait, how many cases do we have?"

"We're speaking in two out of every ten to fifteen people. Don't count on it, the numbers would likely increase. There's already so many troubles to look into and this adds to the storm!"

"Is the region of Lorenzé scrutinized? Figure out why this is happening?"

"What page no did you find it on Miguel? I am looking at the documents." Mr. Bingo interrupted.

"Uh... probably thirty five in article 206." Miguel answered.

"At least you are observing, unlike someone here..." Molly teased as she looked at Mr. Bingo.

"Hey!" Mr. Bingo protested as he tried to brush off the virtual insult.

Miguel shot his text. "Coming back to the point, yes, Lorenzé is being scrutinized and this is going to be a long case."

"Someone decided to take the wolves and make a run for the hills. Sigh. I will relay this message to Lisa. I haven't had the slightest chance to contact her about the updates."

"Oh, is all the research jargon that's holding you down?"

"Kind of, yes. Our focus was largely on sucrose but you tell me its entirely different now."

"Its not off the rails entirely! Look into the article that I mentioned. You'll find some details. It was only mentioned in a sentence. However, I don't have too much knowledge on further details either."

"Alright, thanks Miguel!"

Molly closed her eyes and let out a sigh as she tried to piece the puzzle pieces together.

Eventually she dialed Lisa's number which went to the voicemail.

She decided to text her. "Hey Lisa! Call me when you can."

The message was delivered but not seen. She put her phone down and looked at Mr. Bingo.

He was busy typing away on his computer and from a quick glance it looked like some sort of code.

She rolled her eyes thinking he was back to his dating app idea and got up from her seat to head downstairs.

Julia had left for her afternoon classes and her mom was seated on the sofa placed in the hall and scrolled through her phone.

Molly smiled when she looked at her and proceeded to kitchen to make herself a lemonade.

When she finally returned to her seat, Mr. Bingo gave her a huge grin that shined with satisfaction on its corners.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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