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I let the sun's gentle beams wake me from my slumber. It had been a week since I'd broken up with Jade, and anything that might remind me of her presence in the flat had finally disappeared. For once in my life, I felt like I was getting back on track and I could start all over again, without anyone telling what to do. Of course, it was far from over. We were coming to the end of filming for the season I'd been hired for, and production hadn't yet considered bringing my character back for season 4, so I had a feeling I'd have to leave for Los Angeles pretty soon. My heart sank at having to leave without at least having been able to make my feelings clear to Amy. I'd left Jade, but Amy was still with Darren and, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't stick my nose into their relationship and break up five years of their life together and their friendship. 

Amy decided to organise a small party with a few of us to celebrate the end of the filming at her flat on Hornby Street in downtown Vancouver. Games, Karaoke, anecdotes from the set, drinks and plenty of food, there was no denying that she knew how to entertain. As usual, I found it hard to take my eyes off her and her gorgeous smile all evening. I watched her every move. There was nothing exaggerated, false or overdone, she sang, laughed and played with that authenticity that I liked so much about her. At some point in the evening, with the pleasant atmosphere and the good time we were all having, I realised that I had unwittingly drunk a whole pint of beer with Grant. He didn't know, he couldn't have known. I felt all my senses come to the surface and I could hardly be discreet when I laid my eyes on her, scrutinising every inch of her face, then her body with undisguised desire. I ended up mentally slapping myself in the face, and went to pour myself three cups of coffee so I could sober up and quickly regain my composure. I went out onto her little balcony facing Vancouver Harbour and Canada Place. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. The invigorating sea air helped me to calm down, even though my mind was still indoors, close to her. 

'What's wrong with you, Felton...?' I gasped at myself.

I heard the bay window slide open behind me and saw Carlos leaning against the banister, a glass of soda in his hand, his eyes fixed on the inside.

'Maybe it's time you went and talked to her... instead of drooling over her like that all evening,' he said seriously, looking down at his glass.

I turned my head towards him, looking wary.

'I... how...?

'Oh, come on, man, it's obvious to everyone, even her.'

'What about Darren?' I asked, not understanding why his long-time friend was encouraging me to go and talk to his girlfriend about my feelings.

Carlos lowered his head, then turned and faced the harbour, in the same position as me. He took another sip and said to me:

'She's broken up with him.'

I nearly dropped my cup of coffee over the balcony banister, sending it crashing into the street some twenty floors below me.

'Amy always had trouble matching the feelings Darren had for her. The central problem in their relationship was that Darren always loved her far more than she could. Her feelings for him never went further than a very deep friendship. And yet she tried so hard! But it never worked.'

I didn't dare speak, losing myself in a mixture of intense joy and terrifying fear.

'Even though I think deep down Darren knew it, he always treated her with respect.'

He paused his voice for a moment, then resumed:

'Can you do the same?'

I stared at him and nodded with conviction.

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