The beginning

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Disclaimer: I don't own Season 0, nor anything of the Yugioh franchise. 

Britt's POV

Domino City was a great place to be, that is if you've been here awhile. I wasn't born in Domino City, but I spent a few years there when I was in Kindergarten and I had met my friend Yugi. We bonded over the easiest of things like cards and games, but then I met Anzu too. These two were my friends for the longest time... then my parents had to pull me out in second grade so I was traveling with them, my twin sister, younger sister, and my brother for a while.

For a while, I did my studies in Egypt where my parents were archaeologists. I was able to get good grades, well sort of... I crossed paths with a man in robes who looked shocked to see me as I was wandering through an excavation site my parents were working on. He introduced himself as a guardian of ancient secrets, and in hushed tones, he spoke of a destiny I had yet to fulfill.

He led me to a hidden chamber deep within the site. Inside, on a pedestal, lay an ornate bracelet shimmering with a strange, ancient energy. The man called it the Millennium Bracelet and explained that it had once belonged to the Pharaoh's Queen. He said it was destined to find its way back to me, though he didn't explain why.

When I touched the bracelet, I felt a strange connection to it, but no memories or visions surfaced. The guardian's words about destiny seemed enigmatic and distant, like a riddle I couldn't quite solve.

Back in Cairo, my life took on a new dimension. I began to train in self-defense, driven by a desire to protect myself and those around me. My friends, Zoey, Nina, Miranda, Olivia, and Heather, whom I met in Egypt, became my closest confidants. We formed an inseparable bond, spending our days exploring the rich history of our surroundings and delving into the mysteries of ancient texts.

My twin sister, Bre, was always at my side, sharing this incredible journey. Nanaoko, my younger sister, and Aiden, my older brother, were supportive, even if they didn't fully understand the weight of our discovery. It felt as though our family bonds were timeless, as if we had always been together, not just in this life but perhaps in another time and place.

As the years passed, the pull to return to Domino City grew stronger. It wasn't just about reuniting with old friends; it was about a feeling deep inside me that there was something important waiting there. The bracelet remained a mystery, but its presence was a constant reminder that there was more to my story than I knew.

Now, as I stand on the brink of returning to Domino High for high school, I feel a mix of excitement and anticipation. Reuniting with Yugi, Anzu, and meeting new friends would be wonderful, but there was also a sense of purpose. Even without fully understanding the connection, I knew that returning to Domino City was a step towards uncovering the truth about my past and my destiny.

Walking through the halls of Domino High felt like stepping into a dream. The familiarity of the place, mixed with the excitement of new beginnings, created a whirlwind of emotions. It had been years since I last saw Yugi and Anzu, and I wondered if they would recognize me.

The school year was already in full swing, about a month or two in, and I felt the pressure of being the new student. My first class of the day was history, a subject I had grown to love thanks to my parents. I took a deep breath, clutching my books tightly as I approached the classroom door.

"Here goes nothing," I whispered to myself before stepping inside.

The room fell silent as I entered, and all eyes turned to me. The teacher, a kind-looking woman with glasses perched on the end of her nose, smiled warmly.

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