shadi pt. 2

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The next day at school went by smoothly. Yugi, Jonouchi, Anzu, and I navigated our classes, discussing the usual topics. Everything seemed normal until lunchtime when the principal's voice crackled through the PA system.

"Attention, students. We have a new transfer student joining us today. Please welcome Kara Hoteph to your class."

My heart skipped a beat as I exchanged a surprised glance with Yugi. Kara, the girl from the museum who had recognized my bracelet, was now in our class.

Moments later, Kara walked into the classroom, her blue hair and blue eyes standing out among the other students. She gave a polite bow and smiled.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Kara Hoteph. My family just moved here from Egypt, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all."

Yugi's eyes widened in recognition, and he leaned over to whisper to me, "That's the girl from the museum. The one who said she was your personal servant in the past."

I nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity. Kara's presence here was no coincidence. As she took a seat near the front, our teacher began the lesson, but my mind was buzzing with questions.

During the break, I approached Kara. "Kara, it's nice to see you again. How are you settling in?"

Kara smiled warmly. "I'm doing well, thank you. It's quite an adjustment, but I'm excited to be here."

Yugi joined us, looking thoughtful. "It's interesting to see you again, Kara. Britt and I were just talking about you the other day."

Kara's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Oh? What about?"

Yugi hesitated, then said, "About how you recognized Britt's bracelet and mentioned your past life as her personal servant."

Kara's expression turned serious. "Yes, I remember it vividly. It's why my family moved here. I felt a strong pull, like I was meant to be here with Britt."

I felt a shiver run down my spine at her words. Fate had indeed brought us together again, and I was determined to uncover the mysteries of our shared past.

Jonouchi, Anzu, Honda, and Miho, who were sitting nearby, couldn't help but overhear our conversation. Jonouchi raised an eyebrow and nudged Anzu.

"Hey, what's this about a past life?" Jonouchi asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

Anzu, always quick to catch onto intriguing topics, leaned in closer. "Yeah, what's going on, Britt?"

I glanced at Yugi, who gave me a supportive nod. "Well, it's a bit of a long story. Kara here has some memories from a past life where she served a queen... who she believes was me."

Miho's eyes widened with fascination. "That's incredible! It's like something out of a storybook."

Kara nodded, her demeanor calm and composed. "Indeed. I have come here to help and support her... my lady."

I felt a slight unease at her formal tone and the way she referred to me. It made the whole situation feel even more surreal. "Kara, you can just call me Britt. We're friends now, right?"

Kara smiled warmly. "Of course, Britt. Old habits die hard, I suppose."

Honda looked between us, clearly intrigued. "So, you two have some kind of special connection from ancient Egypt?"

"Yes," Kara confirmed. "The bracelet Britt wears is tied to her past, and my role is to assist her in any way I can."

Jonouchi let out a low whistle. "Well, that's something you don't hear every day. Guess school's about to get a whole lot more interesting."

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