Violet Hecate

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As we gathered at school, I could feel the tension in the air. Michael's gaze lingered on Yami and me, his expression unreadable but clearly tinged with resentment. I noticed him whispering to Natalie, his sister, who glanced our way with a smirk.

Yami, sensing my discomfort, tightened his grip around my waist subtly, a gesture hidden from the prying eyes of teachers but not from our friends. Anzu leaned in, whispering, "Is everything okay?"

Before I could respond, Yami spoke up, his voice low but firm. "Everything's under control."

Michael finally broke his silence, approaching us with a forced smile. "Yami, still playing the protective husband, I see. Some things never change."

Yami's eyes narrowed slightly, but he remained calm. "And some people never learn," he replied, his tone even but sharp.

The bell rang, cutting through the mounting tension, and we all headed to our first class. I could feel everyone's eyes on us, especially Michael's, which burned with an unspoken challenge. As we walked, Yami leaned in and murmured, "Don't worry, I'm here. Let's focus on our day."

The rest of the morning passed in a blur of classes and whispers, Michael's presence like a shadow looming over us. But with Yami by my side, I felt a sense of security that helped me push through the day.

As we left school, the atmosphere lightened somewhat, and our usual group—minus Michael and his sister—headed towards the cafe we frequented. Jonouchi, who had overheard bits of Michael's confrontation, walked beside Yami, throwing occasional glances his way.

"Man, Michael's really got it out for you, huh?" Jonouchi said, his tone a mix of curiosity and concern.

Yami's expression remained unreadable, a slight frown creasing his brow. "It's an old rivalry, Jonouchi. One that doesn't seem to want to stay in the past."

I sighed, gripping Yami's hand a little tighter as we entered the cafe. The familiar jingle of the bell as we opened the door brought a small sense of relief. Here, surrounded by friends, I could almost forget the complications of ancient grudges.

Anzu, always the peacemaker, decided to lighten the mood. "Let's grab our favorite table and order something sweet. We deserve a treat after today, don't we?"

As we settled in, Yugi, sitting across from us, looked thoughtful. "Yami, how do you handle it all? The past catching up like that?"

Yami gave a small smile, his gaze softening as he looked at me. "With a lot of patience and a good reason to keep looking forward. Britt here makes it all worthwhile."

The conversation shifted to lighter topics as we placed our orders. Jonouchi and Honda debated the best strategies for an upcoming school tournament, while Anzu shared her excitement about a dance workshop she was attending. As laughter and chatter filled the air, I felt the stress of the day melting away, replaced by the warmth of friendship and the comfort of having Yami so openly by my side.

Yet, beneath the surface, the presence of Michael and his unresolved feelings lingered in my mind, a reminder of challenges yet to come. But for now, I was determined to enjoy the moment, letting the familiar surroundings of the cafe and the support of my friends anchor me back to the present.

As we made our way into the Game Shop, the familiar scent of old cards and Mr. Motou's warm welcome enveloped us. His face lit up with a smile as he saw us enter.

"Ah, welcome, welcome!" Mr. Motou greeted, his voice booming with enthusiasm. "Just got a new shipment of Duel Monsters cards. Why don't you all take a pack? On the house!"

We each gratefully accepted a pack, the excitement palpable as we tore into them. The thrill of discovering what cards we'd received never got old. I could feel Yami's curious gaze on me as I shuffled through my cards, his interest piqued by the luck of my draw.

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