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As I sat at the library table, stacks of old books and ancient texts surrounded me, the scent of musty pages filling the air. Zoey sat across from me, her brow furrowed in concentration as she flipped through a hefty volume on mystical artifacts. We were deep into our research, trying to find a way for me to have longer periods with Yami away from Yugi's puzzle.

"This one looks promising," Zoey said, sliding a book across the table to me. "It's about ancient rituals for separating spirits from their vessels. Maybe there's something here we can use."

I glanced at the book's cover, noting the intricate symbols etched into the leather. "Great find, Zoey. Let's see if it has anything that could help."

We delved into the text, scanning through pages of arcane knowledge and complex rituals. I was determined to figure out a solution. Every minute spent in Yami's presence was invaluable, and the more time we could manage, the better.

After hours of poring over texts, I leaned back in my chair, feeling the weight of exhaustion. "This is tougher than I thought. Most of these rituals seem to require incredibly rare ingredients or ancient artifacts we don't have."

Zoey nodded, her eyes tired but resolute. "It's frustrating, but we'll keep searching. There has to be something that can help us."

Just then, a buzz of conversation drifted in from the hallway. I glanced up and saw a group of students chatting excitedly, their eyes following someone being led into the building. I caught a glimpse of Kokurano, the school psychic, in their midst.

"That's Kokurano," I said, my voice low. "I heard he's supposed to be able to predict the future. Maybe he's someone we could talk to."

Zoey looked at me skeptically. "You don't believe in psychics, do you?"

I shrugged, my curiosity piqued. "Not really, but if there's even a chance he could help us, it might be worth checking out."

We watched as the group of students, led by Kokurano, disappeared down the hallway. I made a mental note to look into him further. For now, though, our focus needed to remain on the research.

As the sun began to set and the library's lights cast long shadows, I felt a surge of determination. We might not have found a solution today, but we were getting closer. And with Zoey's help, I was confident that we would find a way to spend more time with Yami.

The thought of Yami's presence brought a small smile to my face. Whatever it took, I would do everything in my power to make sure our time together wasn't cut short.

As I left the library, the cool evening air brushed against my skin, a welcome relief from the stuffy atmosphere inside. The sky was painted with shades of pink and orange as the sun dipped below the horizon. My thoughts were still consumed with the research Zoey and I had been doing.

I spotted Yami standing just outside the library, leaning against a lamppost with his arms crossed. He straightened up as he saw me approaching, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Britt," he greeted, his deep voice sending a familiar warmth through me.

"Yami," I replied, smiling back. "Thanks for waiting."

We started walking together, the quiet streets of Domino City slowly coming to life as people went about their evening routines.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," I began, glancing up at him. "Zoey and I have been researching ways to give you more time outside the puzzle. I know it's difficult for you to only appear when there's danger or when Yugi needs you."

Yami's expression softened as he listened. "You've been working hard on this, haven't you?"

I nodded. "I want us to have more time together. I want to make the most of it before Yugi fully finds out about you taking over when things get dangerous. I don't want to keep hiding this from him forever, but I also don't want to lose these moments with you."

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