Chapter Three

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"Happy Freshers Day!"

"No," You groaned, clutching the side of your head, and opening the fridge to squint at its contents, debating whether or not Pietro would miss a Gatorade, "And where even were you last night?" You spoke quietly, pushing your sunglasses up the bridge of your nose, and eyeing the perky blonde who sat at the counter with a cup of coffee way too early in the morning after one of Tony's parties, "I didn't see you all night – did you hook up with someone? Your skin is glowing."

"Thank you, but no, it's called a...morning routine." She smiled sweetly and you rolled your eyes with a loud groan since it hurt to even do that.

"You sound like an Instagrammer or something – a Tik Tok boy? I don't know."

"Nothing wrong with a clean face."

"I feel judged," You put a hand to your chest, padding your slippers to stand on the other side of the counter, facing her, "Me and my smudged eyeliner feel judged, ha, that rhymed."

"Even hungover, you're an idiot," She teased, and you scoffed, taking her cup as she raised it midway to her lips, "Hey, that's mine!"

"Now," You paused to sip it loudly, "It's mine."

"You reek of whiskey and regret." She deadpanned and you tried not to smile.

"Words hurt, Belova, they hurt," You scolded, and she rolled her eyes with a smile, "But seriously, I looked for you for like half the night before Val busted out the good stuff, where the hell were you?"

"You looked for me?" She sounded small and you took another drink before answering.

"Of course, thought we would pin the tail on a Thor or something."

"Didn't feel up to it." She shrugged, glancing away.

"Alright," You hummed, deciding not to push, "You wanna hang out later after I get back from lunch?"

"Yeah," She beamed, nodding her head, and looking up at you, "Sounds fun."

"Awesome," You took a cold slice from the fridge and tore into it with your teeth, mirroring her face of disgust a moment later as you slowly chewed, "Yeah, cold pizza and coffee don't mix."

"Could've told you that."

"Well, maybe if someone didn't drink it black, it would've eased the pain."

"You're the one who stole my cup knowing full well it'd be strong."

"Well, now you can have it back," You used a high voice, sliding the cup over to her and she took it with an amused chuckle, "I have to go get ready anyway."

"Yeah, you smell like Carol." You heard her mutter angrily and you raised your eyebrows in surprise but decided not to question it as you made your way to the stairs.

"Don't fucking talk to me," Wanda warned on her way down, wearing a similar pair of sunglasses to you – something the two of you picked up for your morning hangovers, "Don't even look at me."

"Wouldn't dare." You nodded formally and she mirrored it before cringing, stumbling down the stairs as you tried not to laugh at the interaction.

You heard a noise coming from Scott's room and you slowly pushed the door open since it was already cracked, widening your eyes at the – blue and gold painted goat, the same colors as the school.

"Uh, what the hell?"

"Y/n?" You heard Scott's voice as the goat bleated (tf?), but you couldn't place it until he started crawling out from under the bed, "Am I dead?" He looked from you to the animal with a squint, "Is this god?"

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