Chapter Seventy-Five

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The two of you eventually got hungry and decided to venture downstairs for something to nibble on, but you stopped short, Yelena crashing into your back at the bottom of the stairs, when you saw literally every one of your friends standing around in the living room.

"Uh...guys?" You got the group's attention.

"About time you – oh you gotta be fucking kidding me," Tony was the first to speak up, everyone nursing a beer or something else, "You're engaged?" He nodded towards the hand that was on your shoulder and it quickly disappeared.

"I knew," Wanda smirked, raising her glass towards you, and it didn't take a genius to see some of them were already tipsy, "And you called me all afraid she'd say no on your way back from Ohio, ha! Bet you feel pretty foolish right now, Y/n."

"She knew before I did??" Tony shouted as everyone erupted into conversation, most of them cheering and coming over to hug you guys, but you broke through to him when they started fawning over the ring.

"Hug me," You stomped your foot, opening your arms, and he huffed, crossing his, "Hug me, dammit, this is big, don't be a petty, stubborn little whi-"

He scoffed before pulling you into a hug, his arms going around your back, and you let out a laugh when you heard him sniffle.

"Tones, let me in on this." You heard Rhodey and then another set of arms went around you guys before soon enough more started in on it, creating a chaotic group hug that had you and Tony laughing.

"Someone's poking me and it's too small to be Steve!" Bucky called out, making everyone either groan at the dirty joke or, like you, snort a laugh.

"Such a growns up decision, little rainbow!" Thor sobbed, overly emotional, and you maneuvered your way over to him when the hug broke.

"It's like," You were smiling with tears in your eyes with everyone talking amongst themselves now, and you lost Yelena in the pit of people, but you were more than happy to talk to the giant blonde, "Once you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."

"Obviously, I'll be officiating this ceremony." Loki spoke up behind him and you chuckled as Thor turned so you could see him.

"Not the flower girl?" You pretended to be shocked, "Surely..."

"Hilarious." He deadpanned sarcastically.

"So, when's the wedding?" Carol asked with an arm swung around Val's shoulders as they both sipped their beers, "Set a date yet or anything?"

You and Yelena shared a look, drawn to each other even across the room, and you both smiled before you turned back to the other blonde.

"After graduation, we're in no rush." You told her and Yelena smiled with a nod, agreeing when Natasha looked to her curiously.

"This is great, I think we should all marry each other," Darcy told you guys and you squinted with a smile, tilting your head a little, not noticing Yelena was doing the same next to you, "You're mirroring! Ha, so cute."

Yelena chuckled and you shook your head with a blush when Hope started cooing over you guys.

"We were going to celebrate everything you did for the university," Steve said, handing you a drink, and you smiled gratefully before he continued, "Getting that board member fired, his son arrested, the-"

"Slipping me an extra copy of those exams!" Pietro added and Steve didn't look as if he approved of that one but gave a fraction of a nod and you chuckled.

"I heard the school is offering anyone who wants a late-night escort to get to their car or dorm too," Jane chimed in, raising her bottle, "Nice one on that."

"Might say my girlfriend – oh, sorry," Yelena cheekily corrected herself, winking at you, "My fiancé, is a fucking superhero."

"Language, Belova, come on." Steve groaned and you smirked.

"If Tony heard you, you'll never hear the end of it." T'Challa mumbled to the blonde and his face fell before Natasha raised her glass.

"To superheroes!"

Everyone chimed in their agreements, clinking their glasses, and then taking drinks.

"And to the best year of our lives," Yelena added lower so you could only hear, "Me and you against the world, sunshine."

"Over and over again until I stop breathing." You smirked, clinking your glass again with hers and she smiled, kissing your cheek.

And they lived happily ever after...

Oh, wait, no they didn't??

The End.

Haha, thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting on this story!! You guys are truly the best and I've had a blast writing this one – can't believe how long it is tbh! Love, love, love xx Abby

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