Chapter Thirty-Ate

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"I want to take back my 'I love you'," You were thinking out loud on the drive upstate, ignoring how your blonde, who was previously scrolling through her phone for the other perfect mix she made for a road trip, whipped her attention towards you, "Yeah," You nodded to yourself more firmly, more sure, "Yeah, I'm taking it back."

"So," She spoke slowly, disbelief lacing her words, "You don't love me."

"You're the first person I got to say it to," You turned when the light went yellow, "And I didn't get to do those grand gesture things like in the movies, so, if I'm only gonna do it once, maybe I want some pizzaz," You scrunched your nose, "Ugh, I hate that I want pizza now."

"That word always makes you – wait, so you're serious? But I loved how you said it."

"You got to do your little speech and mine just went to waste." You grumbled, pulling up to the cabin a bit later.

"You had a speech prepared?" She mused lightly, climbing out of the bus after giving you a quick kiss to the cheek, and you both went to the popped trunk to get your luggage.

"Yeah, I mean," You muttered shyly, suitcases between you both and at your feet, "I've known for a while, and it swirled in my brain whenever you...whenever you would have me falling harder."

"And you call me a cheeseball." She teased and you huffed, embarrassment clawing up the back of your neck, and when she noticed, she added softly, "I'd like to hear it."

"Nope, no way, moment's lost with that cheeseball comment!" You shouted dramatically, bending forwards to pick up a suitcase, but it was heavy, so you moved for a different one, mumbling to yourself, "She's the one who works out, so..."

"You know I can hear you, right?"

"Yeah, well, you were being rude, and you know I'm sensitive in the mornings."

"It's four in the afternoon."

"Is it really?" Your voice went high as you looked around as if in search of the sun, and she laughed, leaning over the bags to cup your face, bringing you to her in a chaste kiss.

"Sunshine, I love you and I really want to hear what you were going to say."

"It changes pretty much weekly," You admitted with a sigh, the two of you standing at the back of your bus with the trunk still open, suitcases still on the ground, but none of that matter when you saw her standing a few feet in front of you with that smile, "I mostly just wanted to tell you that you're my favorite person," The skin by her eyes crinkled with her bright smile, "And that wherever you go, whatever we do, and no matter what happens, I'll truly always love you," You cleared your throat, "It's like...even if you dumped me for, well, I could list some reasons right now and yet you're still here," You chuckled as she did, "But I just know're it for me. I'll always love you and nobody could ever come close to making me feel as happy as you do," You took a deep breath, rushing the next part, and saying it more to yourself, "But I wanted to say all that on top of like the Eiffel tower or something. In Vegas, obviously, since I'm not allowed to leave the country for another year due to last year's incident."


"I know, I totally just rocked your world." You smirked, but she could see the unsure insecurity behind the statement, and you felt overly vulnerable because of how well she could read you.

She opened her mouth to say something, but then decided against it, and instead, she pushed her way through the bags to tackle you into a hug. A laugh was pushed out of you when she crashed into your middle and melted against you like she never wanted to let go, or that she was made to hug you like this. She wrapped her arms around you tight, squeezing the life out of you, and you hugged her back with as much strength as you could manage. Her face was squished in the junction of your neck and shoulder, but you could feel her smiling against you with her eyes shut tight.

"You're such a sap." She whimpered out, her voice cracked, but she tried to cover it, and you breathed out a laugh.

"Tell anyone and I'll...just don't." You ended your threat weakly, and she chuckled, pulling away with wet eyes to smile at you with trembling lips.

"Sometimes," She whispered, her one hand holding the side of your neck while the other cupped your cheek, her thumbs swiping softly over the skin, "It scares me how much I love you."

You crashed your lips into hers, too overwhelmed to communicate any other way, and she kissed you back just as firmly, your soft lips pressing against her slightly chapped ones. She furrowed her eyebrows, squeezing her eyes shut, as she tried to tell you just how much she cared for you in that one kiss.

"Shit." You groaned, pulling back when your pocket vibrated.

"Probably Tony trying to ruin our weekend." She smirked as you fished it out, but it was a text from your mom, asking you to call her when you could.

"Just my mom." You chuckled and she hummed, the two of you silently deciding to bring the suitcases in now.

After you ordered a pizza about two hours later, Yelena left to hop in the shower to freshen up, so you rang up your mom.

"Hey, sweetie, just wanted to check in, haven't heard from you in a while." She answered the phone on the third ring.

"Just because Peter calls every day, doesn't mean I'm going to start." You teased lightly and she huffed.

You held the phone between your cheek and shoulder as you pulled out a couple of plates, some napkins, and decided to make margaritas to go with the pizza since you brought all the supplies for them.

"I also got a call from the university about your disciplinary-"

"Suuuuuuuuuun." Yelena called out, coming into the room with only a towel on, but your back was to her, and you covered the receiver.

"Shh, babe, I'm on the phone."

"Who's there with you?" May asked and Yelena stomped her foot impatiently with a pouted frown.

"Lena, why can't you just give me a moment?" You scrunched your eyebrows, phone still covered, and she crossed her arms as you went back to talking to your mother, "Uh, it's um, it's Yelena."

"Peter said you were going away for the weekend...are there other people with you as well?" Your mom's tone had a hint of knowing mischief and you groaned.

"I should go!" You perked up, your voice going high with a strangle to it, "And don't worry about the school thing, I'm taking care of it."

"Mhm," She didn't sound overly convinced, but she let it go for now, "Just send me a text or something once in a while so I know you're alive and all is good, alright? I miss you, bubs."

"Oh, yeah, mom, um," You turned at that moment to see Yelena playing with the top of her towel that was tucked in just above the swell of her- "How committed are you to me coming back for Thanksgiving?" You rushed out, needing to get off the phone, "I know it's not for another month, but um...I thought I could spend it with – someone else?"

"That someone else wouldn't happen to be alone with you right now, would she?"

"Maaaaaybeee." You cringed, drawing out the vowels, and let out a sigh of relief when she chuckled on the other end.

"Well, would you be willing to split the long weekend?" She suggested, smiling through the phone, "Her parents aren't the only ones who want to meet their daughter's girlfriend."

"Mom." You groaned and she chuckled, Yelena straight up dropping the towel a moment later, getting impatient, and your eyes bulged out of your face – if you were a cartoon, they'd be three feet in front of you with your heart about to burst out of your chest.

"Just think about it, okay? And tell everyone I said hello when you get back! Love you."

"Yeah, yeah," You swallowed thickly, your eyes glued to your blonde, and you pulled the phone away to hang up as soon as you stifled out, "You too. Bye."

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