Chapter Forty-Four

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"You disappeared at the start of the night, where'd you go?"

It's the question you expected from her, but it still threw you off as you guys came out of the shower, feeling fresh, and still a little drunk and high. You pulled back her comforter, smiling at how you noticed she changed the sheets while she was up here getting her costume on early, and then looked over to her.

"Tony was having a rough night, so I hung out with him for a bit."

"Oh," She smiled softly with a nod, not pushing because she knew you guys were closer than she was with him, kind of like her and Natasha, "That was nice of you."

"I still got plenty of pictures of you in that...outfit," You bit your fist with your eyes closed and she laughed before you both crawled in on opposite sides, "And I folded it neatly, so it doesn't get ruined."

"I'll probably trash it." She shrugged as if she hadn't just practically spat in your face with those words, wiggling her feet under the blanket before tangling them with yours.

"You shut your drunk mouth," You snapped with a deeper voice, and she giggled, nuzzling her face into your neck, "I will cherish that thing forever and you will wear it again."

"Or you could wear it." She smirked, placing a light kiss to your pulse point and you shivered, goosebumps erupting over your skin.

"Nah," You bluffed, and she pouted when you said, "Let's just trash it like you said, I changed my mind."

"I want to keep it," She pulled away to look at your face and then laughed with crinkled eyes, "You knew that! You knew I'd say that."

"Hey, you use what you have," You moved your arms to her waist, taking her ass in both hands to give a light squeeze and she pushed herself further into you with a low moan, "I use what I have."

She hooked her leg over yours as you both laid on your sides facing each other and wrapped her arms around your waist, pressing her face between your neck and the pillow.

"I wish I wasn't so tired," She murmured, and you laughed lightly, "I want to wreck you so badly right now just for messing with me."

"You have a way with words when you're drunk." You teased, your eyes falling shut.

It was quiet for a while, but you knew she hadn't fallen asleep yet because her breathing was the same and she moved a little now and then.

"You're everything to me sun," She spoke slowly, sleep heavy in each word, and you kissed the top of her head as she continued, but you had to strain your ears to hear her even though you guys were so close, "I want to have babies with you. And a dog named Fanny," She smiled dopily against your shoulder before she pursed her lips, "It's a good name."

"It is a good name." You whispered, trying not to smile too hard as your heart threatened to burst.

"I'm like you," She sighed, "Not good with words, but that makes this...real love."

Your breath caught in your throat for a long moment before her breathing evened out, her soft snoring hitting your ears, and you tried to get some oxygen again.

Had she heard you that morning last weekend?

It took a lot longer than it would've to fall asleep that night, your mind racing, but you eventually did around four in the morning.

Everyone strolled into the kitchen late that morning with hangovers like nobody's business. Some people didn't even live here but ended up crashing in the living room or with someone anyway. Somehow, Wanda ended up in your bed with Natasha while Tony and Pietro were in hers, but they assured everyone nothing happened, and it was too easy to believe because Pietro wouldn't cheat on Monica.

"Who wants a greasy breakfast?" Yelena called out quietly and a few ran to the bathrooms at the mere mention, while others raised their hands slowly.

"You're offering to make the house breakfast?" You mused lowly, hands clutching your mug of tea like it was a lifeline, and you sat slouched up on the counter, your hair a tangled mess, "Are you an angel in disguise or something?"

"Even Lucifer's an angel." Loki grumbled as he came back into the room, being one of the ones who had to flee for the toilets.

"Then I have a demon seed in my belly!" You announced and everyone collectively flinched with loud groans, covering their ears or clutching their head.

"Little rainbow is pregnant?" Thor's booming voice came from the doorway, and he was holding about three boxes of a dozen doughnuts, eight cups of coffee on top in beverage carriers, "How did I not know of this?"

"Screw making breakfast, I want a doughnut." Yelena mumbled, squeezing your knee before jogging up to Thor to help him.

"That box is muffins." He told her and she nodded, helping him set it down on the table as more seniors piled in behind them looking terrible.

Everyone slumped into chairs at the table with the boxes and coffees, more cups and some bagels came in too with Bucky's help, eating quietly. Whoever talked did it in hush tones and responses usually came in soft grunts of agreement or nods, some people even had their eyes closed as they ate or sipped on something. The lights weren't on, but the sun came through the windows since it was almost noon, and you noticed Scott was leaning on Hope's shoulder, snoring away, right across the table from you.

"The fact that she didn't push him off, though." You whispered to Yelena who was next to you, your leg over hers, and she hummed.

"Stop playing matchmaker." She scolded with a smile, and you shrugged, going back to your pastry and tea.

"I love making love, what can I say?"

She laughed, shaking her head, and then went to boop your nose affectionately, but when you went cross eyed to follow her finger, she laughed again and barely completed the booping.

The rest of the day was spent with everyone lounging around the juniors' house, it went unsaid that the seniors' house was trashed to the brim, so Tony called a cleaning service, and everyone stayed in either their pajamas or their costumes from last night, depending on whether they cared to change or not.

The breakfast feast lasted nearly all day until around seven that evening when people were feeling peckish and the few pieces left weren't doing it, so you all ordered Chinese, watching the two National Treasure movies in the living room. With everyone crowded in there, most were sitting on the floor with pillows and blankets, cuddled up and freshly bathed from the hangovers nursed all day, feeling better now.

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