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These were words Izuku Midoriya heard every day of his life. Every day people would yell at him and shove him around. Adults, kids, even Heroes would go out of their way to make sure he knew his place in society, at the bottom. Though they made sure to never hurt him, they knew what he could do if he got even a small scrape. It had been 10 long years since it began, and he was only 15. Just as he walked into his classroom, he was pinned to the wall, a hand striking the wall next to his head with an explosion.

Bakugo: "Deku!"

Katsuki Bakugo had made it to class before he did.

Bakugo: *Yelling* "You damn nerd! You've been hiding from me for weeks!"

Izuku nervously looked around the room, seeing the usual glares of distaste from his classmates.

Izuku: "S-sorry Kacchan. I-I just-"

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Just what!? Just wanted to be left alone!? Someone like you doesn't get to be leftalone!"

The bell then rang, giving Izuku a moment to slip away from Bakugo and make it to his seat. Izuku kept himself as tightly bound together as he could, kept he head down, and just looked at his hands as the teacher walked inside. It would be so easy, too easy, to stop their hate filled gazes.

Teacher: *Yelling* "Midoriya!"

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts and shot his gaze up to look at his teacher.

Izuku: "H-here, sir!"

The teacher scoffed.

Teacher: "You're lucky you're allowed to be here, at least pay attention."

Izuku nodded meekly before the teacher turned around and continued teaching the class. He reached into his bag and pulled out a notebook to write in. As he wrote, he thought back to just why he was treated as he was.


All he could remember was screaming. Screams of fear, pain, and grief. It was hot, like steam was blowing in his face, but he wasn't bothered. He could see clearly, but also couldn't see a thing. One voice cut through the screams, the voice of his mother, Inko. But what about his dad? Where was he?

Inko: *Yelling* "IZUKU! ARE YOU OKAY!?"

He felt someone embrace him, but that was when he passed out.


The bell rang and Izuku looked to the clock.

Izuku: "Already?"

The school day had ended, though unlike other students, Izuku wasn't excited. He packed up and put his backpack on. He quickly slipped out of the room, just barely avoiding Bakugo and made his way out of the school. Almost as soon as he was out of sight of the school, he was pushed to the ground by a man.

Man: "Cannibal freak."

Izuku got up and continued to walk. He only got to the end of the road when someone else stopped him. A local hero he didn't bother to learn about.

Hero: "Halt! What are you doing here? You know you aren't supposed to come to this corner!"

Izuku: "S-sorry. I-I'll go around."

Izuku turned around to leave, only for the hero to grab his shoulder.

Hero: "You're coming with me."

Izuku ripped his shoulder away from the hero.

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