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Izuku was walking home, newly fixed backpack put on over his shoulders. Overall, today was a good day. He let out a big breath as he walked through the streets. His phone vibrated and when he checked it, it was a text from his mom.

Inko: -Have to work late. Please pick up some eggs before you get home. Love you.-

Izuku: -Okay. Love you too mom.-

He pit his phone away and turned a corner, heading deeper into the city to find a grocery store.


???: "HA HA HA! I finally caught you! You're pretty slippery, you know that!?"

A yell could be heard from inside a plastic bottle as a man who looked like a pile of sludge had been stuffed into it.

Sludge: *Yelling* "DAMN YOU ALL MIGHT!"

All Might put the criminal into his pocket.

All Might: "Just settle down until I get you to the police. Though, I thought there was more of you."

All Might bent his legs before leaping high into the air. During his leap, he could hear and feel the villain thrashing around, trying to escape.

All Might: "Settle down! You're going nowhere!"

It was then that the villain calmed down. All Might then continued to the police station where he landed and two officers came out to greet him.

Officer 1: "A-All Might! Why are you here?"

All Might: "I was just passing through and managed to catch this man stealing a purse."

He took out the bottle and handed it to the officer.

All Might: "Be careful, he's very slippery."

Officer 2: "Uh, where's the rest of him?"

All Might looked at him confused.

All Might: "The rest?"

Officer 1: "Yeah, we've been after thus guy for months. If at least half his sludge is separated from him, he can choose which section to control. We have a lot of dead sludge piles in evidence."

All Might let out a cough.

All Might: "I see. I'll try and find him again! Be on the look out!"

He then leapt away.

Officer 2: "What do you think would happen if we gave him all his sludge back?"

Officer 1: "That's the kind of question that leads to jail breaks."

An explosion went off several blocks away.

Officer 1: "Shit! Let's move!"


The ground shook, almost knocking Izuku from his feet. An explosion? Where? He looked up and saw the tall pillar of smoke only a couple buildings away from him. Izuku and a few other civilians quickly ran over to the site of the explosion just to find the area nearby flattened and the area surrounding it to be on fire. In the center was a large glob of green Sludge surrounding and suffocating a boy, a boy Izuku recognized as Katsuki Bakugo.

Izuku: "Kacchan!?"

A line of water appeared, stopping people from getting closer as several heroes appeared that. Death Arms, Kamui Woods, Mount Lady, and Backdraft all appeared to help. The crowd cheered as the heroes began to do their jobs, but Izuku could see what was really happening. Kamui Woods stayed away from the fires, only grabbing the people close to windows, Mount Lady couldn't reach the scene due to her size, Backdraft was focused on keeping the civilians back, and Death Arms wasn't even trying to fight the villain or save Bakugo.

Izuku: "Why aren't they doing anything? He dying!"

Man: "They aren't suited for this. None of them can help. I didn't think even someone like you would be this dumb."

Izuku: "But they should still try!"

Izuku looked at the people around him, they were still cheering on the heroes, even though they weren't doing anything to help. He then looked back at the street and other buildings, there were no other heroes, no one was coming.

Izuku: 'No! This can't be happening!'

He looked back at Bakugo who was releasing explosion after explosion, helplessly trying to fight. The villain was forcing it's way into Bakugo's mouth more and more.

Izuku: 'Please, someone, help!'

It was then Izuku and Bakugo locked eyes. For the first time in his life, Izuku saw fear in Bakugo's eyes, and it flipped something inside Izuku.

Izuku: 'Who am I kidding? They won't do anything to help him.'

He took a step forward.

Izuku: 'I'm going to be a hero to prove that I can be useful.'

He took another and ducked under Backdraft's water.

Izuku: 'If I'm going to be a hero, then I can't hesitate!'

He broke out into a sprint towards Bakugo.

Izuku: 'I don't care if I get in trouble, but if the heroes won't save Kacchan, then a monster will!'

Backdraft: *Yelling* "Get back here!"

Kamui Woods: "What is that kid doing?"

Death Arms: "It's the monster kid!"

Izuku sprinted at the villain and Bakugo, amd the villain noticed.

Sludge: "Oh? A little brat's come to save the day? Fine! Let's have you fight this guy!"

The Sludge villain charged at Izuku while having Bakugo up front.

Sludge: *Yelling* "Let's see how you handle explosions!"

The villain swung Bakugo's arm at Izuku, who brought his own arm up to block the attack. The explosion wasn't string enough to knock Izuku back, but it did leave a burn on his arm, which began to emit steam. This confused the villain, which Izuku took advantage of by grabbing Bakugo's arm and pulling him from the villain. Bakugo hit the ground and began to cough up sludge. Before either of them could react, the villain grabbed onto Izuku and pulled him in.

Sludge: *Yelling* "Hahahaha! What a good show! You didn't think of this did you brat!"

Izuku tried to speak, but it just came out as gurgles. Bakugo laughed.

Sludge: *Yelling* "What's so funny!?"

Bakugo: "The damn nerd's about to show you what!"

Sludge: "What does that mean!?"

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Have fun getting scorched!"

Bakugo launched himself backwards with an explosion, landing next to Death Arms.

Death Arms: "What is he doing?"

Bakugo: "Waiting for me to get clear."

Just before Izuku was able to use his quirk, a voice was heard.


All Might landed I front of the villain.

Sludge: *Yelling* "No! Not you again!"

All Might: "I'll have you release this boy!"

He reeled his fist back.

All Might: "DETROIT-"

And he swing his fist at the villain.

All Might: "-SMASH!"

As he made contact with the villain, All Might also grabbed Izuku. The punch scattered the villain and the air pressure made the clouds all gather directly over the site of the fight, making rain fall. Izuku then passed out, from both lack of air, and the fear he felt when he imagined what the heroes might have done to him if he did successfully use his quirk.

Heros Can Be Monsters TooWhere stories live. Discover now