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Inko: "Are you sure!?"

It was the next morning. Despite only a few hours having passed, Izuku knew what he wanted to do. He nodded when his mother asked her question.

Izuku: "Yeah. I'm going to be a hero."

Inko: "But why? Just yesterday you were beating yourself up over that hero."

Izuku smiled, a rare sight.

Izuku: "Even a monster can save lives. I want to prove that I can be more than the monster they see me as."

Inko smiled widely and hugged Izuku.

Inko: "I'll support you, all the way."

Izuku returned the hug.

Izuku: "Thanks, mom."

She let go of him and patted him on the shoulder.

Inko: "Now, you need to get to school. Do you want me to drive you?"

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "Yeah. I... don't feel like dealing with the people today."

Inko smiled.

Inko: "Then let's get moving! You're gonna be late!"

She grabbed an apple and handed it to him as they left the apartment.


Chairman: "You do realize what you've done, right?"

Lady Nagant was standing in a secluded office while a hero commission chairman paced in front of her.

Nagant: "Yes. I refused a target."

Chairman: "Good, so you haven't gone mad. So tell me-"

He got in her face.

Chairman: *Yelling* "WHY IS THAT BRAT STILL ALIVE!?"

Nagant didn't react.

Nagant: "Because I refuse to kill someone who only defended himself. In fact, if that hero was still alive, I'd shoot him instead."

The chairman seemed to get more anger and stomped his way back to his desk, placing his hands on it.

Nagant: "Is it safe to assume the Commission President can hear us?"

The chairman laughed.

Chairman: "Yes she is."

Nagant: "Good. Then she won't have to investigate. Madame President, this is my resignation. But, to leave you on good terms, I'll end another monster here and now."

She raised her arm and extended her rifle, aiming directly at the chairman.

Nagant: "Goodbye chairman."

She fired, and he fell to the floor, dead. She then put her hands up as the room flooded with guards and other heroes.

Nagant: "I may be a monster. But I'm no longer your monster to control."

Her hands were forced behind her back as she was forced to the ground and subsequently arrested.


Izuku got out of his mother's car and walked towards the school. It was then his the straight face he held for his mother fell away. In truth, his decision wasn't to prove anything as grand as what he said. Instead, he merely wanted to prove that his quirk could be used for some good, if any. He looked down his shirt at where the knife the hero used stabbed into him, just to see perfectly smooth skin.

Izuku: "He did it for nothing."

He looked up again and made his way to the classroom. Even if he didn't know it, he was walking with just a little more confidence than before. He found his seat and sat down as others entered afterwards. The teacher entered just after Bakugo as the bell rang and took his place at the front of the room.

Teacher: "Alright, I see everyone's here, good. As you all know, your time here at Aldera Junior High is coming to an end soon. Which is what these are for."

He lifted a stack of papers.

Teacher: "Today, you all choose your future careers."

He then tossed them all up into the air.

Teacher: "But what am I kidding!? You all want to be heroes!"

The class erupted in cheers and students began to use their quirks, though the teacher quickly calmed them down.

Teacher: "Now, those of you who already know where you're going can write down your options and hand them to me."

He then walked around the room and handed out the selection sheets to the class. A few students just wrote down a few words and got up to hand in the papers, but two only wrote one option, Izuku and Bakugo. The two quickly got up and approached the teacher who just reached up and took the papers without looking at them. After a few minutes a couple other students went up, but not everyone turned in their papers. The teacher then stood up with the handed in papers.

Teacher: "Let's see here... ah yes, eight of you have already chosen your careers, good! I see we have someone aiming pretty high. Bakugo! You're trying for UA?"

Bakugo: "Damn right!"

Random Student 1: "But isn't their acceptance rate like, one in a hundred?"

Random Student 2: "I heard their tests are way harder then any other school's!"

Random Student 3: "You're crazy Bakugo!"

Bakugo got up, stood on his seat, and planted a foot on his desk.

Bakugo: "I aced the online tests and my quirk is the most powerful here! If anyone's getting in, it's me!"

Teacher: "Alright, alright, sit down Bakugo. Let's see, did anyone else apply for someplace as big as UA?"

He flipped through the papers a little before coming upon one specific paper that made him freeze. He skimmed through the papers again before going back to that one.

Teacher: "It appears that Izuku Midoriya, is also applying for UA."

Izuku quickly moved out of the way as an explosive slap hit his desk.

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Deku! What do you think your trying to pull!?"

Izuku: "I-I just want t-to be a hero. L-like everyone else!"

Bakugo went to grab Izuku by the collar.

Teacher: "Enough Bakugo! You know what'll happen if you hurt him!"

Bakugo grumbled but let Izuku go and sat back down. The rest of the school day was uneventful, though there was an increase in glares from just about everybody. It wasn't until his walk home that this changed.

Heros Can Be Monsters TooWhere stories live. Discover now