A Meaningful Gesture

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Moxxie drove back to his own apartment, trying not to think too much about what happened today. He had a job to do. He had a wife to love. He had a life to live. Now he worked closely with a coworker he had no idea how to live with. He sighed as he pulled into his designated parking space. There were always demons roaming about, with nowhere to go and in need of some form of help.

Moxxie knew not to help them anymore. If they knew he had anything worth taking, they'd jump him in a second. Everyday he would avoid them, always feeling slight resentment toward the building he lived in. It was old and unkept. Any repairs that needed to happen were done by the residents. Repairs were dangerous to do with so many vagrants running around.

Millie made it all worth while. Whenever he found himself somewhere he didn't want to be, he remembered coming home to her would make it all better. He opened the door to his home smiling as bright as the sun. "Honey? How did it go today?" No response. He walked to the kitchen and noticed there was a leftover sandwich sitting on the counter for him with a note on it.

'Tired after a successful mission hun. Love you. See you in the morning.'

He smiled again, happy he didn't have to make any noise to cook. He walked to the bedroom, while taking a bite of his bologna sandwich and peeked in the door. There was his Angel of Death. Snoring like a chainsaw, and bloody from work. She didn't even shower before hitting the sack. Moxxie chuckled softly and blew her a kiss before retiring to the living room sofa.

"Oh Millie. What would I do without you?"

Taking another bite, he replayed the events of the day in his mind. "Honestly, what is going through that girls mind?" Moxxie thought about what he could do to make things easier for her. Maybe a privacy curtain, so she wouldn't have to see him. Or he could bribe her with something to make her feel better. "She's always upset about something. She's always hungover. She's always forgetting to get herself basic necessities." Moxxie didn't want to baby her, or do everything for her. But he really wanted to find some way to get on her good side, if there even was one.

"I'll start out small then. What should I do first?"

Back at Blitzos apartment, Loona was still awake. Her mind easing away from the 'nice' thing Moxxie had done for her, until she burped up the taste of whiskey and delicious stake. "Fuuuuuuuuuck, it's so good!" She groaned, not caring what neighbor heard. She scrolled aimlessly through Voxtagram, silently judging all the people she didn't know or talk to.

"Oh my wife just bought me a new car!" She mocked, annoyingly. "I took her out to the movies, and we had such a great time! Fuck you losers!" She continued scrolling until she saw a post by Vortex. It was a picture of him and his hot girlfriend out at a restaurant. They were snuggling up next to eachother, showing off their expensive food and alcoholic beverages. She would never admit it to herself, but she was very jealous. She scrolled lower to see the caption.

'Two years with my girlfriend today. Blessed in Hell, just to be able to buy her everything she wants.'

Loona began to think all she could feel was bitterness. No matter where she went or whatever she saw, she hated it. But it was better than being depressed. Better than being lonely. Better than thinking it could be any better than it was now.

"Yea? Well I got a guy to buy me shit today, and I don't even like that fat asshole!" She said to the picture of Vortex and his girlfriend. "What!? You think your so much fuckin better than me, cause you got eachother, and I have fucking nobody?!"

She stared at the picture waiting for an answer. When none came, she lied down, closed her eyes and wondered why she was so upset in the first place. It's always been the same thing. Work, home and drink. She tried to mingle in the past. But everyone was just 'Too fucking stupid or annoying to be around.' There was no point in making friends. She was fine with that, after seeing how demons can be. Untrustworthy, lying, selfish and cruel demons. This was Hell. Big suprise.

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