A Dark Secret

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          Blitzo slithered silently through the bushes surrounding Stolas' house. Careful not to alert any guards or servants, he carried a small grocery bag in his right hand and used his left to hold a cheap grappling hook wrapped around his torso. He reached the side of the building and looked in all directions before scaling up the massive building slowly. 

Upon reaching the top, he quickly noticed a glass dome close to the center of the complex structure. He walked towards it, and looking within, he could see them. Moxxie, Octavia, and some random ass, red Hellhound were at one side of a giant dining room table, being given assorted fruit from a few imp servants. On the other side of the table was Stolas and... 


Blitzo squinted his eyes as he tried to get a closer look at his daughter. She was in an incredibly sparkly dress, sporting what looked like a damn blood diamond around her neck. "That fucking dress looks like it's worth more than my life!" He shouted to himself. He continued to look at her, and realized she didn't look very happy. 

In fact, she looked downright hurt. He knew what Octavia was there to do. Hell, he was rooting for her, but he didn't want Loona to be mixed up in this. He just wanted her back. 

He set his things down, reached in the grocery bag and took out a bottle of booze. Taking a few chugs, he turned his sights to Moxxie. "Don't you hurt my daughter you little shit." 

"Octavia... how could you do this?" Stolas asked dumbfounded. Octavia shot him a disgusted look. "How can you even ask me that, dad? How could I do what, exactly?" He didn't answer. He knew where she was going with this. 

"How could I deny my kind? Disgrace my family?" She turned her gaze over to Loona before continuing. "How could I give myself to someone who loves and appreciates me for who I am?" She asked, taking hold of Moxxies hand. 

Blitzo spit out his drink on the glass dome. "Holy shit, Moxxie!" Was Moxxie fucking Octavia behind Millies back this whole time? Blitzo knew Moxxie was hot, but pulling a Goetia? "No fucking way!" 

Loonas eyes widened in shock. She stood from her chair and looked at Moxxie, who seemed to be ignoring her. "Moxxie... what's going on?" She asked quietly, looking toward the three of them. This had to be a nightmare. 

Moxxie didn't respond. Instead Octavia answered for him. "Isn't it obvious? He informed me of the letter my father sent him. I was certain my father was planning to seduce him." She said, looking at Loona directly. Then she turned to her father. "So I decided it was time we made our relationship known." 

Loona sat back down in disbelief. "This makes no sense! You two don't even know each other!" She cried. "And what is that bitch doing here?!" She asked, pointing at Crimson, who winked at her. An Imp placed a tray of mice on a stick toward Stolas, and he shooed him away. 

"She's right!" He agreed. "You two have had no time to develop any kind of relationship. And you!" He continued, pointing at Crimson. "I hired you as a part time chauffeur to safely escort my daughter wherever she goes! Not to lay your filthy, furry... no offense Loona... paws on her! I should have you killed!" Crimson visibly shuddered at the threat. 

"Octavia stood up. "You'll do no such thing father!" Stolas withdrew slightly. "My daughter... how could you associate with these lowly... sorry Loona... creatures in such a demeaning manner? Creatures you don't even know!" 

Octavia smiled. "Your wrong dad." She said, sitting back down. "It was from our brief interaction at Loo Loo Land, that I realized Moxxie was different from other imps. He was well spoken, showed empathy, and actually cared for my well being." She said, as they turned to look at each other and smile. 

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