The Game Begins

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Another day passed, and Octavia had another devious scheme. One had failed, yet she seemed to be determined to devestate at least one poor soul this day. She decided to meet with Moxxie at the very same restaurant Crimson worked at to save time, but it brought up awkward memories for Moxxie.

They were sitting at a booth across from the one he sat at with Loona. It was empty, but Moxxie couldn't help but stare at it and think of them together. How they must have looked. As they waited for Crimson to get off, they kept to themselves. Octavia kept her face in her phone, unsuccessfully sneaking glances when she thought Moxxie wasn't looking.

She wouldn't say, but she was embarrased. She couldn't tell what was worse. Throwing herself at such a lowly creature, or being rejected by one so easily. He didn't seem to be upset with her, so she decided to let him in on her plans to get back at Loona, and get her father back. But she didn't have to.

Why was she going this far? She could have just dropped the whole thing when she was in the limo with Moxxie yesterday. But she was still hurt. Loona was still in her house, and now the person she thought was an enemy, could be a trusting ally. He'd been wronged just like she was. They could do this together. She wouldn't have to be alone. That made her feel better.

Finally Crimson sat down next to Moxxie at the booth, groaning like she'd had the worst day ever. "Ughh! Finally it's over." She said, setting down a tray with 3 glasses and a pitcher of water. She looked at them both, noticing their awkward demeanor. She chuckled, thinking of how similar it was to when she saw Moxxie last time with that grey Hellhound.

"Wow... this is so familiar. But somethings missing." She said, in a sarcastically coy voice. She then grabbed one of Moxxies horns and brought him closer to her, making him blush. "There were go!" She exclaimed, laughing uncontrollably. "You have got to be the cutest imp I've ever seen. You just let anybody have their way with you, huh?"

Moxxie struggled half heartedly to break away from her politely. "Maybe I just don't like confrontation." He replied, failing to escape. "There's nothing wrong with being assertive." She said back to him. "Maybe you should try telling people what you want more often."

Moxxie paused for a moment before clearing his throat. "Excuse me, Crimson?" She released his horn and put her arm around him. "Yeeeeeessss?" She asked, in a suggestive manner.

"Um... may I please have some personal space?" She looked up to the ceiling like she had to really think about the question. "Hmmmm..." She pondered, deceitfully. Then she grabbed her glass of water and dumped it on her white dress shirt, revealing her black bra underneath. "But I'm all wet! Won't you help dry me off Moxxie?" She asked, seductively. "What is wrong with you?!" Moxxie was struggling like a wild animal now, entertaining Crimson all the more. "Yea! That's right! You gotta fight for your survival!" She said, laughing as he struggled.

Just then the manager came over. "Oh thank goodness! You've gotta help me!" Moxxie pleaded. The imp manager rolled his eyes, before speaking like he'd already had enough to deal with.

"Crimson... how many times have I told you not to antagonize, maim, or flirt with the customers?"

She smiled at him, still smothering Moxxie. "I'm off the clock." She replied, deviously. The manager looked relieved. "Oh good. Carry on then. See you monday." He said, leaving Moxxie to deal with her alone.

"No wait! I still need help!" He cried. Having seen enough, Octavia cleared her throat. Crimson slowly got off of Moxxie, whimpering softy, like her owner just took away a new chew toy. "Sorry young lady." She said, giving Moxxie the space he requested.

"Moxxie, my dad is expecting you tonight. You already know he's not going to hurt you, but I don't want him thinking he can get away with this game he's been playing with Loona."

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