A Bold Mistake

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Moxxie and Octavia had arrived at their destination. It was loud. Bodies flooded the area. Fights would break out every minute. The ground was littered with trash, condoms, alcohol and passed out... hopefully alive, demons. Moxxie knew damn well, Octavia shouldn't be here.

But as he turned around, he realized she wasn't next to him. The thought of Stolas immediately came to Moxxies mind. Only two fights had broken out, and he had already lost a Goetian Princess. "Octavia." he tried to speak as quietly, yet noticeably enough, that maybe she'd be the one to hear.

He searched low first, scrambling through people's legs, to speed up his search. Before getting too far, he was grabbed by the collar and lifted above the crowd by a slender, tall, very cute imp!

She had white hair like Moxxies, but much longer, black fire and thorn tattoos trailing her arms and wrists. Very big, bright, and luminescent red eyes. "Hey Cutie! Where are you running off too!"


Moxxie couldn't deny the imp was beautiful, but he had nothing to say. He had to find Octavia. "Can you please let me go?! I have to find someone!" The girl laughed. "Moxxie, it's me!"

Moxxie couldn't believe it. She put him down and extended her hand out for him to take, which he did, so he wouldn't lose her again. As soon as their hands touched, she yanked him closer and practically strangled him before taking another picture.

While he caught his breath, she looked around nervously before seeing how it turned out.

"C'mon! Let's get some food before the show starts!" She said.

An army of Hellhounds stood patiently outside of Stolas' home, instructed to be ready for anything. Silence plagued the property. Unease and tension reigned in their hearts. What was the danger? How many would there be?

Inside, Stolas sat in the dining room. He seemed to be brooding. Loona was overanticipating, craving a drink. She called an Imp over, asking for a bottle of the cheap stuff.

"Loona, I don't think now is the best time." She looked over to him, expecting him to change his mind. Which he would. He sighed. "One shot every five minutes. That's it." She smiled as a response.

One of the Hellhounds stepped in. "Sir, your wife's limo is arriving."

"Is she alone?" Stolas asked. "Yes, Sir." Stolas thought for a moment. "Send the reinforcements home." The Hellhound nodded, and Radio'd the others. "Let's go see what she wants, Loona."

"I thought we were going to fight." She commented. "I was expecting her to bring her brother." He replied. "Maybe a few servants of her own. This may work out in our favor. She may expect me to just hand him over to her."

"We gonna tell her to go fuck herself?"

"After we find out her intentions. She very well could have plans for all of us. We'll bait her, and figure out as much as possible. Can you contain yourself, Loona? She's very good at getting under peoples skin."

She scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean? I know how to handle myself. You afraid I'm gonna fly off the handle?"

"Well, I was happy to have you help me fight, but this may become a battle of wits. I'm not sure your well enough equipped for this situation."

Instead of punching him in the face, she took a breath. "Fine, then you can do the talking, I'll be your back up." He got up and walked towards her. "I think you should go."

She stood up met his gaze. "Make me." She said undeterred.


They both looked toward the sound of her, sitting at the other end of the dining table. "First an imp, and now a hound. Barely looks like she's legal. Not only that, your the other Hellhound I was looking for. The one who took my imp from me."

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