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           The nightmare was over. Moxxie was so relieved to be free of those phsyco harpies that at first he said nothing when Loona cradled him like a baby in her arms. She whimpered frantically, shoving her nose into the crook of his neck.

Crimson thought it was hilarious. But she was also too touched by the moment to say anything. She continued driving as they had their moment.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" She yelled, in a sad tone. "Me?!" He retorted. "I never wanted to go anywhere with them, but I had no choice! It was either play along or die!" She put him down on the chair beside him.

"Seriously?! You can't weasel your way out of some dumb teenagers attempts to make you her butt slave?!" Moxxie had to smirk at that, making Loona even more angry.

"What are you smiling at?!" She asked. "Those are pretty tough words coming from someone who just put together a whole dinner party in my honor." He said, crossing his arms.

Loona blushed, realizing how she sounded. She looked at the floor for a moment before looking back at him expectantly. Moxxie sighed in defeat.

"I'm not used to you like this Loona. Can't you just go back to hating me?" Loona seemed to be greatly insulted by the question. "How dare you..." Moxxie put his hands up in defence. "I put my life on the line to save you from certain death, and you want nothing to do with me?"

Moxxie sputtered, his mind raced for an answer. "Maybe I... just want some fucking recognition." She continued. Moxxie prepared mentally for the worst as he spoke. "I know it's more than that Loona."

"So what?! So what if it's more than that?! You can't humor me? Give me a chance? Look me in the fucking eye, and..." She stopped and looked back at the floor of the limo.

"Loona, I'm married. I have a wife, whom I love very much." He said to her, quietly and sincerely. This only made her upset. "Yea?! Well where the fuck is she?! If she loves you so much, why isn't she here, saving you?!"

Moxxie tried his best not to be angry, but she was pushing it. "She left because of you!" He pointed his finger at her. "You drove her away from me!" Loona growled at him. "Get that fucking finger out of my face." She said quietly.

"The way you've been acting, the schemes you've pulled, everything you've done, drove her away from me." Loona was still growling, but tears were starting to form around her eyes.

"You want recognition? For what? Ruining my life?" Loona began to pant. "Stop it..." She said. Moxxie continued.

"For making me lose my job? For wasting my time and my money?" Loona was panicking. "Please stop it..." She was full on crying now.

Crimson pulled over the limo and tried to get his attention. "Hey... Moxxie."

"For wrecking my home? Almost getting me killed, then saving me at the last second? Was that also part of your plan?"

She could hardly think of a response.

"N...no. I... I..."

"You want me to give you a chance? Why would I give you anything?" He asked. She looked like she wanted to say something, but didn't. Moxxie noticed the limo had stopped.

"Why aren't we moving?!"

"Your home." Crimson replied softly from the driver's seat. Moxxie looked out the tinted windows and barely recognized his neighborhood. He stepped out of the limo, leaving Loona without a word. He didn't even close the door as he walked off.

Loona looked toward Crimson in the rear view mirror. She looked back at her and sighed. "Where do you wanna go?" She asked. Loona didn't answer right away. She turned to watch Moxxie as Crimson continued to stare at her through the mirror. She looked so small, broken and alone in the back of the limo by herself.

Crimson couldn't believe it. She had so much ferocity when they first met. Now this. "Back to Stolas's place?" She asked. Loona didn't answer.

Moxxie was fuming. Loona was out of her mind. Of course she was. She was never in her right mind. She just did whatever she wanted, and never thought about anyone else. Moxxie couldn't get her out of his head. She was just there now.

Always teasing him. Always picking on him. Always getting him into shit.

He remembered when she told him to suprise her with food. It made him angry. She yelled at him for getting it right. It made him angry. He tried to make her feel better by getting her an ice pack and something healthy for breakfast. She looked at him and cried. It made him feel...

She tricked him into a literal kind of date at her favorite restaurant. She told him, 'I don't have any friends Moxxie. I'm a huge bitch, and maybe I'm nervous to try and show a different side of myself to multiple people at once. Don't you ever get nervous around people?'

It made him sad. So why was he so angry at first?

'I'm not always in the best mood. I take it out on you because... you never do anything back. I've been using you as a punching bag, and I don't feel good about it anymore.'

Moxxie never told her, but he was moved by her words that day. It was an uncomfortable kind of happiness. Bitter sweet maybe. But why? Because he was so used to her being mean to him?

'I... really... appreciate you... Moxxie.'

Those words echoed in his mind. It was because, he was married... and he was falling for someone else.

He reached his apartment and unlocked the door. Before walking inside he heard footsteps come up behind him. He already knew who it was. He turned around slowly to find Loona standing over him, still teary eyed, but determined.

He sighed and turned back around to walk into his apartment. She followed him in. The moment he saw the inside, he began to break down. He dropped to his knees and cried. Everything seemed to be in shambles.

His wife was gone. His job was gone. Goetias wanted him as a slave, and he was falling for the Hellhound who ruined his life.

Loona kneeled down and hugged him. "Why, Loona?" He asked, through choked sobs.  "Why is this happening?"

She carried him over to the sofa in the living room, laid him down and sat next to him, rubbing his back. She hated herself. How could she do this to him? She cared about him so much, and this is the end result?

Of course it was. She ruins people's lives. They ruin hers. That's why she's alone. But she really tried this time. She really wanted this to work out. She really wanted him. Now here he is, devastated. 'Why can't I make you happy?' She thought to herself.

It was over.

But... she was here. As bad as everything looked, she was still selfish, and needed something out of this. After everything she'd been through. Why can't she just... be happy for once?

She lowered herself onto the couch with Moxxie, put her head between his horns, and put her hand on his chest, bringing him closer to hers. She waited for him to fight her. But he didn't. He nuzzled back into her, and even grabbed her hand on his chest, making her heart leap.

She didn't want to admit it to herself. Along with all the sadness and guilt she felt for doing this to him, she was exhilarated by his touch. She breathed him in deeply, again and again, barely able to control herself. She was so sorry, yet so excited she had to keep herself from suffocating him.

How long had it been? Five minutes? Half an hour? All she knew was that she was in love with the Imp in her arms. She could stay there forever.

Moxxie began to snore softly as he finally had fallen asleep. She began to draw little circles in his chest with her index claw, still breathing him in. His voice consumed her mind.

'Why would I give you anything?'

"Because I love you Moxxie... and I need you to love me back."

A Pain I Want In My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now