I wont lose you

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Loona yawned deeply, stretched out, and opened her eyes. She was in her room, and it was dark. Sitting up slowly, she put her feet on the floor, dreading the headache that she knew was coming, but it never hit her. In fact, she felt really good.

She looked at the time on her phone and realized it was only four in the morning.

Normally, she'd just lay down and go back to sleep, but found herself standing up and looking at the mess in her room. It bothered her, but only a little bit. That little bit was enough for her to start picking up clothes off of the floor and put them in a designated pile in her closet.

Then she put all the trash in one corner of the room, swept up the broken glass, and brought all of her dirty dishes to the sink. She looked over at Blitzo, who was snoring loudly on the couch with the television still going. They could only afford a one bedroom apartment, and he was nice enough to give her the bedroom while he slept in the living room. He kept all of his clothes and other belongings in the walk-in closet, scattered around the apartment, or at the office.

She kept staring at him and began to feel sad. He really did try to be a good dad, no matter how annoying he was. It's not like she was perfect. The least she could do was at least try to be nice. "Why the hell am I thinking like this?" She asked herself as she went back to her room. She lied down on her bed, grabbed one of her pillows, and cuddled it, trying to make the uncomfortable feelings subside.

She couldn't remember what happened right before she went to sleep, so she closed her eyes and thought back to when she woke up the day before. "I was hungover. Went to work. Blitzo was on the phone. I had a bad headache, and then..." Her eyes shot open.


Her 6:00 A.M. alarm on her phone went off, along with Blitzos. "Fuck! Already?!" She cried. "It was four, like ten fucking minutes ago! Ugh!" Loona jumped out of bed and grabbed some trash bags from the kitchen and bagged all the trash in her room. Dragging two full bags out to the front door, she smacked Blitzo in the face who was still snoring with his phone alarm blaring right next to his face.

"Ow! I'm sorry Sea biscuit! I won't drink your trough water anymore! Please don't stomp me to death!" Loona rolled her eyes. "Blitzo wake up!" He sat up quickly, rubbed his eyes and turned his alarm off. "Hey honey. What's wrong?"

"Nothing... just didn't want you to sleep in." She said, as she continued leaving the apartment. She threw her trash away in the big dumpster and lit a cigarette, anxious to leave, but also dreading it. She caused a scene yesterday, but the embarrassment was fading. For the first time in her life, she was excited to go to work. She had a friend. She smiled, feeling a wave of joy come over her.

The feeling became more intense with every puff she took from her cigarette, and she could hardly control herself. She began to giggle and pace around the apartment complex, until she could smell pancakes and bacon. "Loony! Come and get it!" She heard, coming from Blitzo. She flicked her cigarette into the garbage bin, and ran back inside.

Back at M&Ms apartment, Millie was already awake, fully dressed, and stressed. She was eating a bowl of cereal, calling Moxxie for the fifth time. "God damn it, Moxxie! Would you pick up the phone!?" The call went to voice-mail, and she hung up. "I know things didn't go so well yesterday, but I didn't want you to stay away from home!"

She slammed her head on the kitchen table, spilling milk and soggy crumbs all over the floor, and sat in silence. Then her phone rang. It was Blitzos ring tone. She answered, and tried her best not to sound too upset. "Are you guys outside?"

"Holy fuck Millie, have you been crying?! You sound like it! Did you two have a fight last night?" Blitzo asked from the van outside her apartment. Millie sighed. "I'll be right there." She hung up, left the apartment, and got in the van with Blitzo and Loona, not noticing the evil stare she was getting.

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