I Will Not Be Replaced

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Octavia sat on her bed in deep contemplation. She witnessed her father and Loona conjure up a devious scheme to get that white-haired imp to join them for dinner. She was eavesdropping long enough to know that Loona had obviously fallen for him. But why was her father helping her?

Could it be that they were getting closer? It wasn't the most farfetched idea. She knew that Loona was Blitz's daughter and that they were seeing each other. But did he actually bring her here to hang out?

She started to get a little annoyed. She had all of these questions and wouldn't be able to get any answers without either spying or asking outright. But she didn't want to do either of those things... did she?

She wanted space from her family, but seeing her dad get close with that Hell Hound made her jealous. He sounded happy. Why the Hell would hanging out with her make him happy? What's she got to offer him?

His stepdaughter has a crush, and now he just wants to help her get him? Was that it?

She was upsetting herself by this point. Thinking of only the negative. But how could she be positive? He never helped her with her crush. That is, she never had one, nor was she supposed to. She was royalty. Everyone knew it.

She knew she was beautiful, but to make any wrong comment or gesture toward her would mean death. So aside from having a few acquaintances... she didn't have friends. She hung out with people, drank sometimes, smoked cigarettes, and mingled in a few crowds but never really got along with anyone.

And if she ever got angry or drunk, she might threaten someone who didn't deserve it. Of course, she didn't mean it. But she had very few outlets. She felt alone. It didn't matter how much money she had. Her father was screwing an Imp, hanging out with someone else's daughter, and her mother was emotionally distant.

Which was preferred, since the only emotion she usually shows is anger. She needed a devious plan of her own. Something crazy and out of the ordinary.

'Why should Loona be happy while she ruins my life?' She thought to herself. 'What's so great about some stupid imp? First, my dad falls for one, now his stupid Hell Hound stepdaughter.'

She continued to anger herself with negative comments and thoughts.

"What's so great about this Moxxie?"

There was nothing special or worthwhile about imps. They were nasty, rotten beings. Incapable of anything other than destruction or servitude.

It was then that Octavia began to devise a simple yet evil plan.

"I'll intercept this Moxxie and offer him more that that filthy mutt ever could. Not only showing his true colors to the dog who loves him, it'll spererate her from my father in a fiery show of anguish and misplaced trust."

She stood from her bed, proud of the scheme she had devised. It would be glorious. She put on her boots and began walking to the kitchen. Before she reached the doorway, she could hear voices. Was her mother here? Of course not. She'd be yelling.

She turned the corner and... her father was sitting at his usual place at the kitchen table, and right next to him was that bitch! Not even at a respectable distance from him. Octavia didn't even sit as close as this whore was to him. She witnessed as they spoke, laughed, and enjoyed her cereal without acknowledging her. She was so upset, she didn't even know what they were saying.

She flew from the kitchen, back to her bedroom, slammed the door and jumped back into bed. "Why?! I just wanted some space! I didn't want you to replace me!" She cried into her pillow.

"I'll find him..."

She dried her tears, and jumped back out of bed.

"I'll find him, and make you both pay!"

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