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Dear Valerie,

This will be my last letter for a long time Shad. From the moment you had thrown me that innocent smile of yours that easily like it is not the most valuable treasure there is in this world I was all yours without you even knowing it. Back then, you used to smile all the time, carefree without a care in the world, back then when things used to be simpler. That smile is what made me fall in love with you on the spot from the first time I met you. Back then I just used to be a poor troubled boy that was just trying to survive the fucked-up world to we live in. I just wanted to make myself worth for you and my siblings.

with love,

Vex <x>

Vex's prov:

Society loves the heroes. The heroes that would anything for the world. They would even sacrifice their loved one, that one person that means everything to them. Nobody talks about the villains. The villains that would destroy the whole danm world for the person they love the most in this fucked up world. The villain that isn't afraid to say to the world 'fuck you' and show them that she is his, even if their soulmate is the hero. In the world's eyes the villain is and will be the villain. The most evil villain in the world's eyes are the villains that don't follow in the category as them to be neurotypical and 'normal' like them; that are unhinged at their core and don't repress their emotions or thoughts and they are unapologetically themselves. At least in her eyes I was her villain that would burn down the world for her, after with all the things we went through. Thinking of that makes me laugh as she is very capable of saving herself. After I would light the world on fire, she would have tried with all her powers to turn off the fire and save the world but doing so with a wide smile knowing that I had done that for her. I hope one day she will be proud to be called mine and to be able to shout it to the whole world.

Being the fucked-up, poor child from a dysfunctional and poor family and to who the society had failed to protect and show to that little innocent boy that needed to grow too quickly that there is true, genuine goodness to the outside harsh, dangerous, and sinful world is always bloody hilarious. That innocent boy couldn't understand that from birth he was wired differently from the people around him. He couldn't understand or comprehend the mundane feelings people were displaying. Not that he had good role models in his early childhood to show him those mundane feelings should of been, instead he was shown the most cruelty from his own mother.

This is our story where the hero and the villain are soulmates and everything, they knew changes. This society is very narrowed-minded. It is built to believe one thing and only see one thing. The society isn't up for a change. They do not want to change. They do not want to be adaptable.

20, the most important age in our society. A society where people have powers. The offspring get a variation of their parent's powers or in rare occasions mutations occur and the offspring get a whole new power not from their parents. As the society have powers, many choose to use them for the greater good but other choose to be malicious and selfish. This has led to new jobs being created, heroes and villains. A hero's job is to protect the city and its citizens from the villains and keeping a balance within the society. That's why hero enforcement was created. There are 5 different group of hero enforcement, each one is responsible for a different thing. Each one has the captains that are the strongest and the best fit to lead the squads. I am one of the captains. I have fought tooth and nail to become a captain. Even though Vex had become a a villain, I felt him like my rival, and that was my main motivation to control my powers and climb up the ladder and become a captain.

There is a specific council that was made specifically for this to choose the with the head of the police. I have fought tooth and nail to become a captain. Even though Vex had become a villain, I felt him like my rival and that was my main motivation to control my powers and climb up the ladder and become a captain.

On your 20th birthday is when your soulmate tattoo appears for the 1st time. The Soulmate tattoo is unique for every person. Soulmates share the same design; this is their way of finding their soulmate. Their soulmate's powers may have derived from whichever element. Many people I don't like or even despite the idea of having a soulmate. They do whatever in their power to get rid of the bond between them and their soulmate. There are three types of soulmates. The first type is the most common one where the true soul mates have romantic feelings to one another and it's very difficult to live without each other. The second type is like the first type but with these soulmates being able to sense when their soul mate is nearby. The third type is the rarest one where the soulmates cannot live without each other, they can sense each other's presence and each other's emotions. Their bond is so strong that it is the rarest one because it is the most powerful one. If you belong to the third type, it means that 100% there is a reason why they are fated to be each other's soulmates and they cannot love any other person in this lifetime. The soulmate fate thing has been working like these for many years and centuries. Nobody has ever questioned it being wrong or the fact that we don't even chose they person we fall in love with they are already written in our fates from the moment we are born. It's foreign for us to be able to choose person we wanted to be with. We don't even have one-night stands when we meet our soulmates, I know right, it's weird. It's like arranged marriage will read in books or TV shows, but for us it's a reality.

One week ago, it was my birthday, even after a whole week I still glance with dreadfulness at my soulmate tattoo. Unlike every person at my age that is looking forward to meeting their soulmates, I am not. I love my life how it is now, freedom to do whatever I want, as much as a hero can, no one to hold me back. I had learnt my mistake from the first and the last time I had fallen in love. Even though quite a few years have passed, I still haven't fallen out of love with him and cannot forget him. Being a hero isn't very easy, citizens think it's one of the best jobs and in some ways it is. However, it is very mentally tiring, sacrificing your life for others, and sometimes even this job puts your loved ones in risk. But I wouldn't change my job for anything in this world. When I was child, many people thought that my powers were out of control, and I wouldn't be able to master the ability to control them. My powers come from the shadow, I can blast skies(shadows) to people and control shadows. People used to fear me. To some I was the bane to their existence. If it wasn't for him, I would of became a villain or worse be dead from my early childhood. He had taught me all what I know about my powers and how to control them. I used to hate myself because I thought that I would hurt people. Between the age of 6 to 18 years old he had brutally trained me to be the hero I am today. I has just been 1 year I have finished my training. And it has been 3 years that I have become a superhero. One of the main reasons that I had trained so hard to be able to control my powers and become a superhero was to be able to bring him back to my side where he had always belonged, the most dangerous villain of these days, Vex.

Hey guys this a book I have been working for a while now I hope you all enjoyed it 

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