Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"All units at Barrow Street there's a building on fire, we aspect it is Savage team" my supervisor informs me through the microphone in my ear. Savage team is a group of very high quality and dangerous villains all with their unique of powers who in a way can work together and commit the most known and negatively affected crimes in the recent years. I take off towards the building and I arrive there within minutes. The fire looks angry trying to spread fiercely to the whole building. It is too hot for the firefighters to get inside the building even with the fireproof suites they are wearing, so me and the couples of heroes that have gathered we get in the building to rescue the unfortunate people that weren't able to flee the building when the fire had first started to get out of control. While helping the firefighters to take out the fire after we were able to rescue all the people that were inside the building, I catch a glimpse of Vex. Without thinking I ran after him. Vex is one of the most dangerous villains in our days that our society has seen these couple of years. People are scared to even whisper his name in the streets because they think bad luck or Vex will hunt them down and kill them just for daring to whisper his name. He takes a turn to a narrow light dimmed street before I even can tell him to stop or attempt or attempt to stop, I catch a glimpse of his wrist. I freeze on the spot. I just have seen a soulmate tattoo that seems very familiar, so familiar it reminds me of my own. This cannot be happening to me, I'm thinking. Why does he have to be my soulmate. Why him? Why out of everyone in this bloody city, country, or world. He used to mean the world to me before he turned against me and the world. Now he is my number one enemy. He has a weird dark gleam in his eyes, one that I couldn't read nor understand. Quickly like a flash, he appears in front of me, before I can even move a centimetre, he roughly grab my face with one hand and the other hand goes roughly around my neck and he smash his lips with mine. He cages me with his to broad veiny arms on the wall. The kiss is nowhere gentle, it was full of hate, wickedness, and passion. He bites my lips roughly until pain rushes to my brain and a part my lips, allowing him access to my mouth where his tongue finds mine. We fight for dominance like fire and ice. In the end I give him the dominance, which is something he sucks the life out of me.

Never in a million years I would think of myself to kissing him in real life and only in my twisted dreams that should have been nightmares. I am enjoying to the point that I forget who we are and where we are. "Run my sweet angel. Run before I catch you and push you to the ground and fuck until you will be screaming my name out loud declaring to the word that you are mine" he whispers in my ear wickedly.

On instinct I start to run in the labyrinth of the dark alleys. Adrenaline kicks inside my veins from the probability that he will catch me. My breath gets heavy. A second go by. I do not dare to look behind me to see if he's closer or further away from me. He gives 10 seconds of head start. I run as fast as I can. I can hear his heavy steps that aren't in a hurry like be is so confident and will be able to do the things he whispered in my ear. It is like I am under a spell, and I play this twisted game of cat and mouse. I don't know How much time has passed, But it feels like ages. Excitement current runs through my veins. For a second, I dare to look behind me. He's close. Very close. Taking a deep breath, I speed up more. Even though physically my body doesn't allow me to.

Get away right now I scream internally to myself, that was the cold bucket of water that brought me back to the present. My body doesn't obey is stuck there like a million worries of chains are on my shoulders. Again, without thinking I whisper to him "I hate you. Fuck you for kissing me. Hell will freeze when I accept you as my soulmate. I do not need you. I do not want you. You mean nothing to me now." He doesn't say anything to me. He just threw me his sinister smirk and in thin air he disappears. My legs can no longer hold me, I crash on the ground. Why on earth is he, my soulmate, I question again.

It takes me fifteen minutes to come to my senses and go home. I take one of the longest baths I have ever taken. The hot water relieves my bones, but my brain still running like a circuit. What will happen next? I question myself. I need to find him and look at him straight in the eyes, when I arrest him informing him that this will be the last time, he will see me, and I will go on with my life and forget he has ever existed. But That kiss, By far. The best kiss I ever had. Vex seems like he's an experienced kisser. He knew exactly how to kiss me, exactly how to hold me, and exactly how to dominate me. It was so natural kissing as if we have been kissing our whole lives. I have never said it allowed but I want my partner, to be experienced to accidentally what he's doing inside the bedroom. I am a superhero all day. People depend on me; police and firefighters also depend on me. Everyone around me depends on me to save their lives when they are in danger and take down bad guys so they will be able to sleep soundless and night and to not be scared to get out of their houses. It is a burden. So, I want a partner, That will take that burden and be able to take charge during sex. Deep down, I know that Vex is exactly my type. But he is scarily damaged. He doesn't show it to the world, but I can see through the illusion he has on. Goosebumps all over my body ran in awareness, bring me back to reality. I feel a thousand hot stares on my body. So much hot that I can't resist, and I turn around to face the shower certain. I catch a glimpse of a tall silhouette; it is like someone is standing right outside of my shower and the shower curtain is the only thing that separates us. My heart starts to beat a million times faster as I quickly open the curtain see if someone else in the room I get out if the shower and I carefully check the room and there's not anyone In here. I try to calm myself down while getting dressed. I do unthinkable to shake off the eerie goosebumps don't leave. I touch gently my lips, the very same one's that Vex has kissed. Slowly my hand travel down to my breasts where I grab my breast, twist my hard and sensitive nipple, and squeeze it. A moan comes out of my mouth. My finger has a mind on its own and starts to message my clit slowly in circular motion.The same

The next day I avoid the chance for anyone to ask me where I had run off yesterday, not that I think anyone had noticed. I have been paranoid all day that someone will see my tattoo and will connect the dots that Vex is my soulmate. And with what happened last night my paranoia has gotten 100 times worse. Why did I thought that someone was in the room while I was showering, even if that happened or it was just my brain men/tally tired from trying to absorb the news that Vex is my soulmate. Who was it? How did they get in the room, inside the house? As a superhero I am very secretive, to whom I inform where I live, as I have many enemies and obsessed and high-die core fans. I don't want any kind of these people anywhere near my house, which is one of the few things people don't know or have seen. It is my safe space. I try to block. When I got it, thought of someone. being inside my house. Thus, I turn my thoughts to Vex.

I am still processing that I have found my soulmate, that is Vex. I have never heard of 2 people so different being soulmates, usually soulmates' powers are derived from the same element or at least are both heroes and villains in my kind of situation. The same time not many people have the complicated past that me and Vex have. with all the chaos in my mind I try to block it and then a fall to a dreamless sleep.

The next day, it's one of my rare days off, a blessing in this whole mess. Being a superhero, you don't have time for yourself, Or in general for anyone. This job gives you the greatest satisfaction of helping people. However, it comes With many sacrifices like losing friends, Always having to watch out your back from my enemies. For once, I wake up late. I wake up, I make my breakfast, and I sit in front of the TV. I spent the day, processing the news that I have learned yesterday, once again. I have ordered new cameras to install all over the house and I have updated my alarm system. 

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