Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Valerie's prov:

Another night of dreaming the bastard, stupid soulmate bond gets me lusting over the idiot. Dreaming about him isn't something new but is one of the first time I dream of him as my soulmate and not only as the first and only boy I gave my heart to. I don't know with the dreams make me to want to cry or lust over him or even love him, love the innocent boy I used to know in my childhood. Yes, I do admit to myself that the bastard very hot, heck the first thought I had of him when I first saw him was that he was very hot for a villain with his white hair and blue-silver eyes. And then I had mentally slapped myself reminding myself that he is a villain and not a redemptive bad boy that I read in my books.

Waking up the next morning blissful to the messages and notifications that were banging my phone all night. When I open my phone, I gracefully spilled the tea I was drinking all over the kitchen floor. Immediately I go the 1st news notification. "Shockley it has been leaked that hero Shadower and the villain Vex are moonshire soulmates. Forest time something like this is happening...". My phone rings, call from the Commander. "Shadower, you have to report immediately to the headquarters."

"Shadower we would like you to get close to the villain Vex and work on your soulmate bond as this the first time we have heard of a moonshire bond between a hero and villain. For the next three months you are going to live with Vex. We want you to find out what his motives and why he is a villain. This is the only way he has agreed. We had half of the agents trying to find him, to try to reach him to negotiate about you two, but we couldn't reach him. He was the one that had reached out and told us his term. You will be reporting secretly once a week to the process of your bond, the house you will stay is of Vex's, for now we don't know where it's located. Vex seems for unknown reason he has taken a liking on you, and he has agreed to do this experiment. This is an order for you Shadower, you will move to your new house tomorrow." Commander informs me. My heart starts heating very fast like it is trying to escape my ribcage. This is way worse from whatever I have imagined. The whole danm world knows that we are soulmates, and the commission is forcing us to this stupid experiment for what, for their own enjoyment and 'greater good' for the society, without thinking how the 2 people in the experiment would feel and how we will be influenced by all this crap. "Yes, Madam" I answer back emotionless as the robot I was taught from the commander herself to be sometimes. Perfect now I don't have the choice but be forced to be near him. The commission doesn't know my past with Vex, not many people know. The only people that know that the most wanted villain in the century was my childhood friend and first log dis my family and Amelie. I want to keep it that way. If people will come to know about my little destructive causing secret, some will try to use that for their own selfish reasons and advantages, especially the commission.

Heroes take orders from the board of the country for very important and sometimes dangerous missions. When it's an order you don't have a choice but to obey because the consequences are ugly, they won't allow you to take missions and so people will start not trusting you to be the hero you need and can be. My mind wanders off when I leave from the headquarters and head home, calling my best friend to meet me to my apartment. Thankfully I don't bump into Vex, I am still in shock that he had gave the best kiss I have ever experienced in my whole life. I can still feel his lips on mine, his rough touch, and the feeling of his body against mine, the way his hands were holding my neck in a firm hold.... I am not going mad just fir thinking of all this.

"OMG Valerie, I can't believe that you have found your soulmate and that the fact he is Vex. One of the hottest villains, what am I saying hottest person that have walked on this earth". My best friend, Amelia doesn't give 2 shits about heroes and villains she only cares that my soulmate is very hot. Herself she is not a hero but a powerful businesswoman owning hotels and spas all over the country. Growing up, she was my closest female friend. Even though I was very close with the facts, we had a very special relationship. It was more of first lovers rather than friends with him and vice versa. I had met her at primary school, and we were connected by the hip. All the way until now, From primary school. Until High school. Amelia was always there for me. Right now, we are at my house, and I had told her everything that had happened. "Yes, I know that you didn't want to find your soulmate but girl having him as the person made for you, awesome. If he was my soulmate, I would climb him like a tree!" Irrational jealously flows in my veins, imagining Vex and Amelia having sex... stupid bond and hormones. Amelia was the only one that knew my personal connection to him. He had never gone to the same school as us because he used to go to the public school near his neighbourhood. She had met him plenty times. "I still need to move in with him for 3 whole months. Amelia seriously I don't know what to do. I don't even know where the place I will be staying. It will be in his terms in his playground I won't have any control over the situation. He will have. I don't want this to affect my job as a hero, the whole world knows that he is my soulmate." We spend the rest of day curled up on my coach watching our favourite k dramas while eating junk food and toward the night Amelia helps me fix my bags to move to my new house. In the night sleep hadn't come, I curled all night and tried to bottle deep down my feelings about the whole situation, but in the end, I cried and promised to myself to not ever cry for this situation. I am Shadower, strong independent, badass superhero, I remind myself while falling asleep.

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