Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Right now, I am at an off-book mission for the Commission, a superhero – Voltage and I, we are trying to find some documents for the riddle Vex and the others a few days ago were talking in so we can understand and find out what is Vex big plan. Voltage is a fellow hero with powers derived from Light, she can generate electricity and shoot it out of her body to her enemies. These past few months the commission has been receiving a few anonymous calls with very helpful information that has incredibly helped in missions especially the ones that help us little by little to learn about Vex is plotting and to how we will be able to stop him. Now that I have learnt that he is my soulmate I sometimes feel guilty that I soon will have to betray him to stop him. I am torn between two parts of me. The one part is the superhero part of me that would if never let anything in her personal life, anyone or anything would stop her from saving the world or even help to make it a bit better. That part of me for these last years helped me ignore he used to be to me and be able to do my job as a superhero and trying to catch him to put him to jail for his crimes. Throughout the years his crimes have come more and more dangerous and wicked, from robbing banks to even warning that he would blow to half a city. I don't know why he had become a villain and that fact has slowly painfully being killing my soul as I am dying to know why he turned bad and why he has become the person he is today. The over part of me is my childhood self that had fallen in love with Vex. What I haven't seen him do from the moment he had become a villain as some other petty small-known criminals do is endanger little kids and females or even families. That fact deep down made me relieved and foolishly and helplessly hoped that the person he used to be didn't die. That part that most of the times forget that he is a criminal these days and not the innocent boy that had stolen to be able to feed his younger siblings and not caring about the consequences. That boy that his eyes were full of sadness. That boy that part of his childhood was just frowning to the world for how the system and society had failed him and his siblings.

Voltage nudges me, bringing me back to reality. She points out to a drawer she has opened. And on top of his stack of papers is the document that we are looking for. We quickly get out of that room that used to be an office. We have found the document as an old building a few kilometres outside of the outskirt of the city, which we think used to be the lair of Vex and his team. After we start searching the lair. I go into a room that seems to be one of the member's bedrooms. The room still has some furniture in including a bed, a nightstand, an office table, and a wardrobe. It smells faintly of something familiar, Vex's old cologne, that indicated that he was living or was here quite recent like yesterday or even a few hours ago. just thinking he was here a few hours ago and there was a chance we would have gotten inside the lair and him seeing us, a cold chill run down my spine. Thankfully we didn't run into him. Perfect, I have hit the jackpot I have found Vex's old room. Hopefully I will be able to find some more helpful information or intel on him, as in the house I live with him right now it's very difficult to snoop around most time he is in the house and when he is not his bodyguards are 24/7 there. Smart guy hasn't left anything that indicated that he has ever lived in here apart the faint cologne smell until I look underneath, and I find an envelope. I open it and I surprisingly find inside a letter with Vex's very own writing. I call to Voltage that I have found something; she tells me she has checked out the rest of the room and has found a few papers in Boris's old office, the very same Boris that was at the meeting at the docks a few days ago. Then we leave and head back to the headquarters. We give our report back and Voltage gives to the head immediately on what she has found including the documents for the riddles. For once I selfishly don't give the letter I had found because I want to read it myself and I know if I give it now to them, they won't allow me to read with the excuse that it may be a very important and crucial evidence.

 After we have done me and Voltage say our goodbyes and we head our separate ways, with me heading to one of my favourite cafes that I know there won't be many people to disrupt me from reading the letter in peace. I arrive at the café, I ordered my usual drink, I that a corner table away from the crowd, ready to read the letter. I had also chosen this place because I know that there is no risk of anyone I know finding there or any fans that will recognise me. Start reading the letter:

Dear Valerie,

I know this letter will not reach you, but I still wanted to write it. Even though, I have not forgotten you and I still keep tabs on you. I've been obsessed and in love with you from the moment we have met. I know that I was your first love, and I will always have a special place in your heart, but you have always said how excited you were to meet your soulmate, even though when we grew up a bit and you fully understood what the concept of soulmates were. Still at the age of 10, I was jealous of that lucky guy would have been your soulmate. I wanted, to find him and hurt him. Hopefully one day, I will be able to tell you. Why I have become a villain. For now, I can just write you letters with my true feelings, and nobody can know because I know if my enemies find these letters, they will try to find you and try to use you to get to me. I will kill them all before they will be able to even form a proper plan to try to touch a hair on your angelic face.

With wicked love,

Vex <x>

I still cannot believe, what I have read. So, he has not forgotten me. And there is a reason why he had become a villain. At this moment, I promise to myself that I will do whatever I can, even if it's the last thing I do, I will find why he has become a villain. So many questions run through my mind. When he had left, I have tried to forget him, I tried my hardest to not to think of scenarios about how our lives would be like if he had stayed by my side. If he had allowed me to stay in his life. If you still allow me to be in his heart. Years and years of practise. I have trained myself to switch off that part of me, to become numb and to shut down the part of me wanted him and which was curious. Those foolish scenarios and dreams ahead for us. Even though our childhood was not perfect. Who am I kidding, far from perfect, we still had each other. Was I not good enough for him? If he had a problem, couldn't I have helped him. If I was more observant with him and spotted that something was going on a few days prior to that, could I have prevented him? Stop. Stop thinking of these thoughts, you aren't helping yourself.

I take a deep, long needed breath as I come to my senses. I stay at the café trying to enjoy my strawberry mango smoothie and calm myself down before I return to his house where for sure we will come face to face. The sight that welcomes when I get back to the house softens my face expression and calms down my chaotic news, I find Vex lying comfortably on the couch watching a movie and how cute he is wearing glasses. He looks so domestic and normal so much that for a split second I think he isn't the most dangerous villain there is out there. I don't know with this revelation I had leaned today will change anything between us but for sure it has changed the way I view Vex.

"Come on Valerie go and shower and then come down so we can watch a movie." He tells me signalling me with his hand to hurry up. Fastly, I dash up the stairs and rush in the shower, wondering if an alien had kidnapped Vex and replaced him With someone else. After one quickest shower known to mankind, change to my PJs and I go downstairs. I sit on the other side of the long couch. Vex puts rush hour, one of my favourite movies. "I see you still need glasses to watch tv and you remember my favourite childhood movie! Right now, you don't even look like the big and villain that everyone fears." You look exactly like the Vex I grew up with and came to learn to love, I think.

I sit next to him and for the next half an hour we watch the movie "Rush Hour'' in silence, until I feel a warm firm hand on my leg feathery moving up and down making my toes to curl and shivers following the hand. Even the most innocent things he does to me affect me So much that drive me insane to a brick wall and the same time Make me want to jump off A Cliff. I try is very hard as I can to focus on the movie. His hand dares to move more upwards nearer and nearer to my vagina.

I don't know with this revelation I had leaned today will change anything between us but for sure it has changed the way I view Vex.

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