Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Vex's prov:

From a dark alley, I hear groans coming from. I go to check it out. A little boy is standing in front of a dog, Taking a group of guys not to harm the dog. The group of guys are laughing cruelly and mocking the little boy. The boy is trembling and shaking but he doesn't more from his spot. I hate when guys are mean to people that are too young and cannot protect themselves as they would like to. Maybe this is because I have been in their place once upon a time. That once upon a time. The little boy really wants to defend the dog but due to his age and fragile body he cannot kick these little shits' asses. Thus, I interevent. I first kick the guy closest to me to the knee. While shithead #1 is groaning on the ground, I tell the other 2 guys "You shouldn't bully someone that is weaker than you fuckers because karma will bite you in the ass and make you meet bigger and meaner guys. Newsflash that guy is me.". Then the other guys turn around and look surprised, I take that to my advantage and punch shithead # 2 and I lunge to shithead #3, knocking to the ground and he is out cold. The boy watches me from the spot that he didn't move from, watching me with awe and fascination shining in his eyes. I kneel to be on the same level as him. I check that he and the dog are OK and not hurt. The boy does not seem too disturbed with what happened just now. I ruffle his hair and ask him where he stays. He tells me and I take him to his house. It is the first time I have openly done something good for anyone. The boy tells me that his name is Jake. He is holding my hand while we go to his house. Usually, Children fear me as much as adults. This is one of the rear times a child isn't scared of me and even to the point where a child seeks conform from me rather than my siblings. Before, I let him to go to his house I get to his level: "If you ever find yourself in danger just press this button on the device, I will give you now". Jake gives me a big innocent smile and he nods. The doing that he desperately wanted to safe follows him behind when he goes to ring the doorbell. Before one of his parents have the chance to open the door, I hide out of sight. His mum opens the door, and she hugs tightly her son, worried about her son that disappeared a whole afternoon.

After that situation with the kid, I visit the house that I have left for Ace and Mazie before I had moved to my current house which I forced Valerie to move in with me. After a few years after I had abandoned and vanished from thin air from Valerie's life, Ace and Mazie had stopped asking me when they would see her again. I have tried my hardest to not let know what I was doing to bring food at the table but unfortunate people around them were talking about me and my crimes and the news haven't helped, thus they know very briefly that I get money illegally Only Mazie is home right now, Ace these past few days or maybe even weeks has been very closed off. Mazie has told me he isn't very much at home. Thus, I am doing what any most wanted villain would have done, I am waiting in the pitch-black darkness in the living room for him to return. He returns around 3 am. He is tiptoeing towards to the stairs to head to his room. I turn the chair around to face him having my arms cross my chest and with a serious pissed off face that is only for Ace and Mazie when I must be their angry older brother and not the villain they just had heard from the news and just now toe execute the plans I have included them very little in. "Ace where have you been upto this late?" I ask him. Ace jumps like a scary cat from my voice, he turns around and gives me his innocent puppy face he does when he wants to get out of trouble. A minute passes in silence. Ace takes a deep breath and looks me in the eye with a serious face he rarely he has one and tells me "I have been hooking up with Amelia, Valerie best friend.". I stand there in shock. I haven't expected anything like this to be let out of his mouth. How did he know Amelia and how did he know her connection to Valerie? How did the heck my little brother was able to gain the interest of a woman- an older woman? I am not sure if I should be proud or mortified. "Do I want to know the story of this?" I question him with a stern expression. He shakes his head no. He the

After giving him a lecture him for a half anhour, I go for a ride on my motorbike. Riding the bike is one of the things that I have been I can do for myself without causing any bad or goodconsequences, nit that I give a danm about what the world thinks of me, maybewhat she thinks of me and my siblings. I am absolutely obsessed with that girl.At the crack of dawn, I head back to the house. Valerie is still sleeping. Herwhite hair is laying around her and on the pillow. Her face seems peaceful, shelooks younger than her age. But those plum lips of hers has me wants to loseall my control and fuck her and devour he right her, right now. I successfully tamed a bit my beat inside meto not fuck her but as the stalker and creep she calls me I observe her therest of the early morning until she wakes up I vanish from the bedroom and fromthe house. She makes me want to lose all my control however the same time she is the only one that makes to want to hold to the diminish good humanity partof me that is left. 

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