Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

My phone "How is my little trainee Is doing?" he asks me. "Well, I am not your trainee anymore, but I'm doing good, as much as anyone would have of been in my situation. I have something to tell you I have found my soul mate a few days ago. He's the villain, Vex." I inform him. The other side of the line is quiet for a bit. He just mumbles an ok. I can just imagine him sitting in his office chair smoking and the room being surrounded by the smoke from the cigarette. "I also will be staying with him for three months and the Commission wants me to find intel on him." I inform him again. We chat a bit more and then we end the call. From the phone I cannot detect his thoughts and reaction to whom my soul mate is. He was always excellent at hiding his emotions and even if I trained under him for half of my life I can up to this day know what he is thinking, what he is feeling and how he will react to different situations. He has always been a father figure to me when my own father wasn't behaving like one after we found out about my powers.

My parents are loaded so I was often left to fend off with a nanny, a cook, and a driver. I was given too much freedom, and that was the downhill of my parents. That was one of the many, many reasons I became to be independent. My dad got so scared with what was I capable of and that I might of would lose control. He didn't know how to connect with me. He was getting frustrated and little by little stopped being affectionate with me as he was before, and altogether he stopped. When he was home, he avoided me as I was a plague. My mother used to be the most loving and affectionate mum any child could have. Yet after finding about my powers, she, like my father, stopped being affection with me and even worse stopped showing that she loved and cared for me. 

They had stopped coming home. Then one day after a training session, he had seen me being sad and miserable. With just a stern glance from him made me snap and break down, bawled my eyes with everything that was happening at home, was pilling inside me boiling inside me. I told him what was happening home. He got angry on my behalf. He's there to do something nobody else in my life did. He came straight home with me. Call my parents to come straight back from Work So I'm down. A certain collection with them like they were bunch of five-year-old kids caught stealing from the cookie Jar. He told him I wanted to scream at them for years. He told them. It was unacceptable from training their daughter like that, just because she had posed as she couldn't control. But she was doing something about it and learning how to control them. He told them they should be very proud of me. I should never, ever be afraid. And ashamed of me. After that day, my parents started slowly and gradually to behave as normal, it took some years of therapy. And I think somehow, we had amended our relationship.

He had found sitting one time when I was 6 years old at the park under a tree crying all by myself because sone kills didn't allow me to play with them they feared me. My parents didn't see me run off. I remember vividly that he had sat down with we and asked me what was wrong. As a 6-year-old it was my first time a person except than my family that had tried to comfort me and had showed that he didn't fear me. I snapped. I told him everything from not being able to control my powers to little kids my age feared me. After a good 10 minute of just sitting there with me letting me bawl my eyes out, he helped me to find my parents who were very grateful he had found me and helped find them. After my parents had thanked him, he gave them his phone number and told them to call him after they think about letting him to train me to control my powers. It had taken them three days of thoroughly talking about it and research him on the Internet and asking about him, to allow me to train me. For the first two years overcoming and there were staying there to see, to observe the training, he would put me through. Gradually they had stopped coming and they started trusting him. He had become like a family to all four of us.

The next morning comes and Vex returns. Throughout the day he doesn't speak to me. He is locked inside his office. That drive me insane up to the wall. In the middle of the day, I burst inside his office where he is typing silently on his laptop. "Is this what we will be doing the next 3 months. You are sitting in this lonely big office room acting like a mysterious businessman like in those romance books and me being bored of my life. You twat had brough me here. Well, here I am. What's next twat?". Without even waiting for his answer, I leave the room and go to the living room leaving the door of his office open as I knew that he would follow me as he always from the moment we had met wants to have the last say in our limited conversations. Counting to 30 and looking up from my phone as I pretend, I am occupied, he appears in front of me. He lifts my chin up so I see him in the eyes he tells me "I have brought you here because you are mine and it seems that you are my soulmate after all."

Night-time comes I am in my room pretending to get ready to sleep, I see Vex leaving to go to his secret meeting. I follow him. He has a meeting at the docks. After 10 minutes after he has left, I go to the location of the meeting. When I arrive there, I hide behind some containers out of Vex's sight. He is talking to 3 people. A gasp escapes from my mouth, as the 2 of the 3 people are Ace and Mazie, Vex's younger siblings I haven't seen them in almost 9 years. Back then they used to little innocent kids that were born in harsh environment to a mother that was never meant to be a mother. Vex used to their whole wide world and vice versa. When I met them along with Vex, they had also become my whole world and my everything at the mare age of 10. Right now, in front of my eyes there are two teenagers standing proudly next to their brother. 

Both Mazie and Ace seem healthy, unlike when they to look fragile and unhealthy due to the lack of food provided to them. From that thought I feel my eyes to tear up from my happiness and thankfulness that they seem to be doing good. We were kids trying to grow kids. Vex was young but he was wise for his age. Deferment has grown up do not allow him to be a child because he needed to be the father of father and mother figure for his younger siblings. I remember just yesterday sing them with very worn and thin clothes no in child should ever wear specially their age they were. He would have slipped them in my house for me to cook them food for him to lecture them and help them with their homework and schoolwork, parents were very laid out I would help them by bathing them and dressing them. Mazie has become to the beautiful young lady with long curly blonde hair and shiny green eyes that I knew she would, and she wanted to become when she was a child from the romance movies we used to watch together. Ace has also grown quite a bit from the last time I had seen him. Now he looks a lot more like Vex does and did at his age. He started to build an athletic body that any 16-year-old should be proud of. He has dirty blonde hair with green eyes like Mazie's. in that moment Vex reminded me of the Vex that I had fallen in love with, the Vex from my childhood. Right there standing in front of me wasn't the villain that the whole country was afraid of, standing in front of me was an older brother that was smiling and looking proudly and fondly in his own secretive way at his younger siblings with what they have accomplish in their lives and yet have a long way to accomplish their goals and dreams.

"Vex upto now the plan is going smoothly as planned. Will anything in the plan change that now we know that Valerie is your soulmate?". Ace and Mazie seem surprised with the question, they both turn around to Vex and have speechless expressions. "So, Vex your childhood dream has come true then; Valerie is your soulmate after all." Ace tells Vex in a sarcastic tone. Rather than getting angry and attack his own brother like the cold-hearted villain like the whole society would expect him to be and portray him; he laughs carefree and lightly hit his brother at the arm. That right there is the Vex that I know he can still that is buried deep inside him.

For the next hour I listen to some plot they areplanning most of it I didn't understand it as they mostly spoke in code, thatmuch paranoid they are to someone learning about it. This means that it will besomething big and maybe even dangerous. When they are done, I turn around toleave to get back to Vex's house before he goes back before me. When I hear himopening the door, I am already curled again in bed like I have never left it. Idon't really know how I will be able to live with him for the next 3 months.And Why exactly 3 months? I don't get it! Silently, Vex goes to The bathroom Thatis connected to our room. I hear the to run. Without thinking of it I dashingto the bathroom. There he is, Standing as naked as he was born as the day hewas born. Water falls from the shower head like a waterfall and there in themiddle is the angry god with all his glory and chaos. "If you one more stepangel I will have you pinned on the wall, stripped naked - panting. Moaning andscreaming for me." He warns me without even lifting his head form the waterfallhe is under. I should just listen to his warning but again I was never goodwith listening to his warning from the moment we had met. I take one step. Hefollows through exactly by word he said in his warning. He is gorgeous.

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