Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Vex's prov:

It has been a whole month since I have last seen Valerie, whole agonizing long month without seeing the only source of light in my life rather than the rare occasions when Mazie and Ace smile at me with innocence, the innocence of the children that have normal childhoods. I have left her, so she will be able to accomplish her dreams of becoming a superhero, and I also need to focus On executing the plan I had just finalised a month ago before I have left her. I know that in the short term, this will hurt her a lot like it is hell for me, being away from her, Be able to touch her An in general be physically and mentally next to her. She thinks I have abundant her. I know she's over-analysing it. I will be keeping tabs on her. And I will be putting myself. In her view. With crimes I will be doing that will gain me power. Fame. And even give be able to give my younger siblings, a good life. If I had tried. To make her understand. She wouldn't understand. She's full of genuine goodness and pureness. She won't be able to fandom. I'm filled with twisted and wicked darkness. I crave the drakness. I am filled with hatred, and I am eager to get revenge for him to demolish and destroy what he cares about. I want to see him begging for mercy, which will not be granted to him.

From doing petite jobs. I was able to save enough money to able to rent an apartment for me, Mazie, and Ace. We had escaped in the middle of the night for my mum and for her then boyfriend not to catch us. I didn't want her to interfere with us getting out of there as I knew she would try to stop us by manipulating and talking us out of it. Then her boyfriend would have woken with a hangover, and he would be pissed that we woke him, and out of anger, he would have beat the shit out of me and my siblings.

for me finally having the chance to be able to give a better life to my sister and to my brother. I was able to get an apartment in a good, decent neighbourhood. I am finally able to send them from the following September to the good primary school that caught my attention a long time ago. What people don't tell us being villains is that. Especially with bank robberies. You can get money very fast if it isn't. For the crimes have done up to now, like robberies or shoplifting. When I was a bit younger, I could now afford a pretty decent life for Ace and Mazie. Like Maisie has always wanted to dance. Ballet Again, from September, I'm going to be able to send her to ballet lessons like she always wanted. Ace is always very energetic, and he needs to concentrate that energy summer or he's going to start getting into trouble, which I do not want him to. I have noticed that he has started watching boxing matches while he's at his friend's house, leading to me. Deciding to. Send him up for boxing classes. I can imagine it can be quite useful in the future. He will be able to protect himself and his sister if I, for whatever reason, I may not be there to protect them. All these privileges had come with the sacrifice of losing my sweet angel from our lives. Even after a month after that, Ace and Mazie are still asking about Valerie and when they will see her. I always tell them she would like very much to see them, but she is very busy with her training to become a superhero and will be able to save many lives including theirs one day and that she loves them very dearly and want to make them proud. While growing up, they have heard a thousand times from Valerie of her dreaming of becoming a superhero and being able to save the world from evilness one day. Valerie being in our lives gave us something normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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