Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Vex's prov:

Dear Valerie,

Has been three years that we have been apart. All I can do is write. In secret, in these letters about my true feelings and my thoughts. About you and my journey of becoming a villain in you hating me. Today I have learned that we're soul mates. I still cannot believe it. From the moment I have met you, I knew you were mined and eventually you would've been my soulmate. Nothing will stop me from making you mine. You will come to love me and fall in love again with me. I know that you hate me as I have given you all the reasons to hate me, From ignoring you or acting like you don't matter at me 2 The unthinkable, cruel, and bad Crimes I've committed throughout the years.

With love,

Vex <x>

I want to burn down the world with her right in the bloody middle. Even then she will be the most beautiful woman my eyes have led on. Yes, she is the hero that is always is on my trail and wants to put me in jail. She is the only one that can keep up with me and not bore me to death. That doesn't mean I don't want to fuck her. Her being my soulmate does make sense on some matters now. With her it has always been a cat and dog chase. It is like one of the longest foreplays known to humankind between us, even if she never wants to admit it. Soulmates of moonshire, when they first meet their soulmate can hear What their soulmate first thought is when they see them. From the moment I had laid eyes on her I felt the desire to constantly be near her it is like a pull was pulling me towards her and now I know that was the soulmate bond between us. Even throughout the bond I am very sure I would still be bossed with her and I would again try with every way to make her mine.


We have known each other from the age of 8. I remember that encounter like it was yesterday. She used to be missy little rich princess. The first time I met her was when she had tried to stop me while I was trying to shoplift a kiosk because I needed bread and milk and ready meals for my younger siblings. Even though I needed them to feed my younger siblings and me as we were at the brick of starvation as my prostitute of mother that hadn't a bone of mother instinct to feed us, I had got ready meals as at the tender age of 8 I couldn't cook for my siblings. She had caught me during the act, but she didn't tell off me. Instead, she had found me after before I was able to escape, she had forced me to tell her why I had stolen that food packages. For the first time in my life, I was able to explain and had someone that listened to me and not label me a worthless piece of shit like my mother She had allowed me to do that for the first time and last time. Back then it was when she had first started learning to be a hero, my stubborn angel knew from back then what she wanted to do her life and wasn't afraid to achieve her goals at the mare age of 8. We used to be childhood friends that society didn't accept together. The missy perfect rich princess that her dad had a very big influence in the city and me a mere nobody from the wrong track of the city. When I had started to be a hormonal teenager I remember clearly as water that first caught a glimpse of her of un a different daylight, I had though 'danm that chick is hot as fuck who is also your best friend and the only person except my siblings that willingly gives 2 fucks about me'. My stupid hormonal teenager self couldn't understand that she was a hero in the making and on the opposite side, my dick and my brain still wanted to fuck her, even though back then I had started to understand that sex was the source of my mother's unpleasant noise and screams in the middle of the night that I needed to put headphones to my siblings and to myself to be able to sleep at night. She was beautiful with her straight brown hair and silver eyes. Those sliver eyes one day will be the death of me. That will be the best way a man can die. Those sliver eyes that remind me of a lake on midnight when the stars shine above the lake. They are so clear I can always know what is on her mind.

From that year and onwards I have kept in taps on her as she was one the only one that had got my attention. I am famous and well known with the ladies in the city. They don't care that I am a villain and to some dare to describe me psychopathic, they say those characteristics drawn them to me and want me to give them their best time of their lives. She is the only one that didn't find me hot or attractive and tries with everything she got to get under her clothes and take her to bed. Females are dangerous when they want to sleep with a guy, they will not stop at nothing to achieve that. She wasn't and still isn't anything like these females. Every time I found her; I had put myself in front of her so she would start to chase me, whiling scowling muttering to herself why on earth she needed to waste her time on a petty thief like me and then reminding herself that it's her duty to stop petty thieves like me. This woman has the best way to humble me. She is unbelievable blunt. I love our chasing games. Due to the many times, I wanted us to play this twisted game we have I had committed many petty crimes in my early days and now more serious crime these days that caused me to get up the rankings of the villains. Yes, even villains love a good gossip and comparisons to one another. She would anger me so much That I needed somewhere to take out that energy and anger, so I started To fight Add more in the under Ground. Fighting clubs. These help tremendously again get me on top of the rankings. She does not know about the About the fights.

Tack, tack. A pair of heels are tapping annoyingly on the ground. Without even turning around I know she is standing behind me. "Well, I just won the bet between me and Brian, he owns me €20. All along you have known where we have been, and you haven't arrested us. You like me that much babe?". With that nickname she cringes, I bloody love to annoy her when I am not trying to kill her.

I turn around and see her rolling her eyes. "I just wanted to tell you that us being soulmates doesn't change things between us." She tells me with a determination tone.

I don't answer her. Smirking I walk towards her like she my prey and trap her with my arms on the door. I roll my sleeve up and show her the tattoo that has appeared one week ago and right now being this close to her the tattoo is glowing. I can feel the goosebumps from the bond and from her own will on her body. "Babe you can feel the effect of the bond between us right now. You cannot deny it and you know it and if you have done more research, you would have realised that we are moonshire bonded together" I whisper in her ear. Within 24 hours I kiss her for the second time. This time she gets out the kiss's spell faster than yesterday. This time she round kicks me in the face and then she goes for a hook in my face and succeed making me fall backwards holding my side of my face. I start to laugh hysterically "You know we must fuck every so often so that we both can survive. Babe you cannot get rid of me easily. At least the bond won't let u to do so.". With that said I stand up and knock her out and take her back to her apartment and tacked her in bed like the spoiled princess is.

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