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Frankie had gone walking home after eating dry, lucky charms, leaving JJ and John B on their own for them to do god know what.

She wondered what was going on with JJ lately, he's been acting off, especially after she teasingly flirted with John B.

He couldn't be jealous, could he? Frankie shook her head at that thought.

There was no way someone like JJ Maybank would like her. Someone like JJ would only have eyes for a girl like kiara.

"..yo! Frannie!" Lifting her head, she looked over where she heard her name being called.

She narrowed her eyes as she spotted Rafe on the side of the street. She watched as he quickly crossed the street, a motorcycle helmet in his hand,

"Hey." He stood in front of her,

"Uh, hey.." Frankie awkwardly greeted back,

Rafe tore a hand through his hair, "Um, you good?"

"Yeah, I'm good, are you good?" Frankie questioned, and Rafe nodded,

"Uh-huh, you need a ride?" He questioned, gesturing to his motorcycle, and Frankie glanced at it before looking at Rafe, shaking her head, even if her knees were aching in pain.

"Nah, I'm good." She stepped aside and went to walk past him, but Rafe grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking away from him.

"Just," he let out a sighed, "Just get on the bike, Frannie, your knees look like shit and you look like you can barely stand."

Frankie pulled her arm back, "why do you care? I'm a Pogue. Shouldn't you be like, I don't know, beating me up?"

Rafe scoffed, "I don't beat up girls."

Frankie raised an eyebrow at him, and he rolled his eyes, "I really don't, you know, jeez, do you really think that low of me?"

"Duh." Frankie replied, and Rafe scoffed, "Fine, walk home for all I care."

Rafe walked away, across the street, back to his bike, and Frankie continued walking.

She didn't know what Rafe's deal was with her. He was always so weird around her, awkward even, and it weird her out in many ways.

The sound of the motorcycle turning on rumbled loudly before she abruptly stopped as the motorcycle stopped in front of her.

"Get on." Rafe tossed her the helmet, and Frankie caught but wince, letting the helmet drop,

"Shit! The hell, man?" She rubbed her palms, and Rafe got off his motorcycle and walked over to her, grabbing her hands,

Her right hand had a dark blue bandana wrapped around it, but the other was bare, and Rafe saw the scrapes on her palm, the redness from where her skin was peeled.

"They did this?" Rafe questioned, his fingers hovering her wound, and Frankie pulled her hand back from Rafe's,

"Look, if I just get on the death trap, would you promise to just take me home?" Frankie questioned, tiredly, her body was sore, and all she wanted to do was get home, shower, and lay in bed the whole day.

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