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"..Frankie!" Frankie snapped her head towards the door as her friends appeared by the doorway, all of them just standing there staring at her,

Frankie smiled at them, lifting her hand, giving them a peace sign, "Yo."

JJ was the first to move, rushing over to her, throwing his arms around Frankie, burying his face in her neck, and Frankie was surprised, but she wrapped her arms around JJ,

John B was the second to move, rushing over and practically throwing himself at them, and then Kiara and Pope joined, leaving Sarah to awkwardly stand in the doorway with a bag in her hand

"..the bathroom in here is so weird.." Topper trailed off as he walked out of the bathroom that was in the room. He had washed off all the blood from his arms,

"Oh my God, is that blood?" Sarah gasped out when she noticed the blood stains on Topper's t-shirt and pants,

The Pogues pulled from Frankie, and all looked over at Topper, who looked down at his clothes,

"Oh, yeah, this isn't mine, and it's also the reason why I asked you to bring me clothes." Topper took the bag from Sarah before going back into the bathroom.

"Where are you hurt?" JJ questioned, searching for the injury on Frankie, and Frankie let out a wince as JJ'S hand pressed against her side, and JJ paused,

"Watch the hands, man." Frankie told him,

"What the fuck happened, Frankie?" JJ questioned, his blue eyes meeting hers,

"I would also like to know what happened, and I want to know why my boyfriend is covered in blood?" Sarah questioned, walking over and standing next to John B, who frowned a little, moving a little closer to Kiara,

Frankie turned to look at her, "I was stabbed, that's what happened, lucky for me, your boyfriend," Topper walked out of the bathroom wearing clean clothes, no blood stains in sight,

Frankie turned to Topper, smiling, "saved my life."

"Wait, wait, you were stabbed? Who the fuck stabbed you?" JJ questioned, looking ready to hunt down the person who stabbed his Frankie and hurt them for hurting Frankie.

".. I would also like to know that." Everyone turned to see Sheriff Peterkin and Shoupe by the door.

"Why don't you guys give us a moment to speak to Francis.."


Peterkin sighed, "Frankie and Topper."

JJ shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest and planting himself down on the chair, "No."

"We're not leaving." John B sat down on the edge of the bed while kiara sat down on the other chair in the room, and Pope just smiled,

Peterkin and Shoupe shared a look before peterkin threw the teens a look, "No interruptions."

"It was a total accident," Frankie started, and Topper raised an eyebrow at her, "I was caught in the storm, wind knocked me over, and I fell on a piece of glass."

Topper didn't know why Frankie was lying, but he decided to just follow her lead, "Yeah, I saw it happen, bad luck seems to follow this Pogue around."

Shoupe and peterkin stared at them with matching expressions, "What were you doing in figure eight?"

"I was going to the carrera's house, so I could stay with kiara while the storms passes." Frankie replied,

"And I was walking home since my friends ditched me." Topper said,

"And the two of you just happened to cross each other paths?" Peterkin questioned,

Frankie and Topper nodded, "Yep."

Shoupe let out a small sighed, " Frankie, do you have idea where your aunt is at the moment?"

Frankie looked at him confused, "Well, no, but now that you mentioned her, shouldn't she be here by now? Where is she?"

"Nobody can get ahold of her." Peterkin replied,

"Did you try looking for her at her workplace?" Frankie questioned, worried for her aunt,

Clarissa was the only living relative that she had. She was practically a mother to her, and they were close, Frankie didn't want to lose her.

"We did, and nobody has seen her since she left work." Peterkin told her,

Frankie pulled the hospital blanket off of her and pulled her legs over the edge,

JJ was quick to stand, "Whoa, whoa!" He pushed her back on the bed, "You're hurt."

"I need to find my aunt, J." Frankie told him, and JJ nodded,

"I know you do, but you're hurt, Frankie,and you'll only injure yourself further." JJ said, and he noticed the way Frankie's eyes began to water,

He threw a panic look at John B, who quickly stood up, "We'll look for her." He suggested, gesturing to himself, kiara and Pope, who nodded.

"We'll find her for you." Pope promised, if it his parents missing, he knew Frankie would do the same for him, his parents loved Frankie.

"I'll put a bolo out for her, and her car.."

"Motorcycle." The teens corrected, and Shoupe nodded, "and her motorcycle."

Shoupe gave Frankie a reassuring look, "We'll find her kid, just rest."

Frankie nodded before she wrapped her arms around JJ'S waist, burying her face in his shoulder. As tears slid down her face, JJ wrapped his arms around Frankie, holding her close without hurting her further.

Everyone decided to leave the room to give them some time alone, and once the door closed behind the last person to leave,

Frankie let out a small cry, "I can't lose her, JJ. She's all I have left."

JJ shook his head, pulling back and cupping Frankie's face in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears,

"You're not gonna lose her, okay? We'll find her, and she's gonna be okay, and you have me, Frankie," JJ gave her a small grin,

"You always have me." Frankie smiled a little, and JJ leaned his forehead against hers,

"..you scared me, Frankie...when I heard you were in the hospital, I was so scared, it felt like my heart just stopped, and Sarah not having much details about why you were in the hospital, freaked me out even more," JJ quietly confessed,

"Thought I lost you."

"You won't ever lose me."

JJ leaned in closer before his lips connected with Frankie, giving her a small kiss before he pulled back,

"I.. I love you, Frankie."

Frankie let out a small laugh, "You say that when I look like shit."

JJ laughed a little, "I think you look beautiful."

Frankie cupped the back of JJ'S neck, pulling him closer,

"I love you, JJ."


1089 words


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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