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"...birdy!" Frankie's eyes flew open before a groan escaped her as a body landed on top of her, the scent of sea water filled her nose,

"J?" JJ rolled off of Frankie, laying beside her, and Frankie lifted her hand, rubbing her eyes, letting out a small yawn.

"You've been asleep this whole time?" JJ questioned, turning on his side facing her,

"Yeah." Wynonna mumbled, and JJ hummed,

"Well, you missed one hell of a day, Frankie, John B, and I almost died, we went to Vist his dead grandmother, found a tape recorder , apparently Big John found the royal merchant." JJ shortly explained, and Frankie turned her head to look at him.

"That's..wow." Frankie muttered, not really knowing what to say. A little upset she missed such an adventure, but with her knees, she could barely even walk, let alone run.

"Yeah," JJ quietly said, "Mind if I stay here the night?" He questioned, already making himself comfortable on Frankie's bed,

"You're always welcome to stay the night, J." Frankie told him, and JJ smiled at her,

"Cool, cause I got a lot more shit to tell you." JJ replied with a grin, kicking off his boots,

"So, get this.."


"..peanut butter jelly sandwiches are always delicious, Aunt Clarissa." JJ shot her a wink as he bit into the peanut butter sandwich, grabbing the glass of milk in front of him.

"You are adorable, JJ." Clarissa ruffled JJ'S hair as she walked past him, grabbing her leather bag from the chair,

"I have to go to work. You two stay out of trouble." Clarissa gave Frankie and JJ a pointed look.

"You know us, Aunt Clarissa, we're innocent teens." JJ said, sharing a mischievous grin with Frankie both of them biting into their sandwiches.

Clarissa scoffed, "innocent teens, my ass." With that, she left the house,

Once the front door closed, Frankie and JJ chuckled to themselves,

"So," JJ dragged out the o , leaning forward, "got any plans today?"

Frankie hummed, leaning forward, her face inches away from JJ'S, her eyes staring into his,

"School." Frankie told him, leaning back and finishing her glass of orange juice.

"Shit, I forgot about school," JJ said, frowning before he grinned, "Let's skip school, just you and me."

Frankie raised an eyebrow at him, amusement on her face, "and ditch JB?"

JJ shrugged, "He got kiara and Pope." Frankie chuckled,

"Sure, so what do you have planned, J?" Frankie questioned,

"That's a surprise."


"...won't listen to me at all, like she ignores me all the time." Topper Thornton complained to Rafe, who was barely listening to him,

He didn't want to hear Topper complain about his relationship troubles that he had with his sister,

He loathed his sister, and he didn't want to hear about her when she wasn't even around.

"..hey! Stop!" Rafe turned his head towards the shout, and he saw Frankie running towards them. Behind her was JJ, both of them grinning like Cheshire cats.

"Yo, Top, sup, kook." Frankie greeted as she passed them,

"Ooh, thanks for the drink, Rafe," JJ took the drink that Rafe had in his hand and drank it all in one go before handing Rafe the empty glass,

"Bye, Top." With that, JJ bolted, laughing as the security almost caught him, but JJ moved at the last second, the guard missing him by mere inches.

"I wonder what they did this time?" Topper wondered, staring at where the Pogue's disappeared too, distantly hearing laughter

"They called you Top. Like they were friends with you." Rafe spoke up, narrowing his eyes at Topper as he looked at him.

Topper shrugged, "Let them hide at my place one time, and suddenly I'm an alibi,"

"Sure, get past that they're Pogues, but they were kinda fun to hang around,"

"Not that I like hanging out with them." Topper quickly denied,

Truth was, he actually liked hanging out with Frankie and JJ. They were really fun to hang around, and they didn't make him feel like he was third wheeling or felt like he was being left out,

They actually listened to him about his ideas, about his relationship issues with Sarah,

Obviously, JJ and Frankie took that advantage to talk shit about the Kook princess, but it was light. It wasn't anything hateful,

Many people would think the most rough Pogue's were JJ and Frankie, the most troubled Pogue's, which, in truth, they were, but once you get past all those walls they put up,

They were just kids who dealt with their trauma with humor and running from the cops.

"..you didn't tell me about that." Rafe spoke, a hint of anger in his voice, and by his expression, Topper could see that he was angry, at what? Topper had no clue.

"I promised them I wouldn't say anything, plus, I didn't really want anyone to know that I hid two Pogue's in my house." Topper replied with a small shrug,

Rafe didn't reply, scoffing under his breath, glaring down at his empty glass,

"Damm, Pogue drank my drink."


Frankie and JJ had headed to the chateau after ditching the guard somewhere around figure eight,

What they did would be a secret they would take to the grave.

They were sitting outside on the stairs, facing each other, laughing when the twinki pulled up.

"Yo! You ditched me!" John B got out of the van, followed by kiara and Pope,

"Hey, JB, how was school?" Frankie questioned, sharing a grin with JJ, who laughed,

"Oh, great." John B sarcastically replied, and Frankie let out a small laugh,

John B sat between them, shoving them both with a smile on his face,

"Why did you guys ditch school?" Kiara questioned, her eyes trained on the bandana on Frankie's head,

It was JJ'S bandana, one of many, and JJ doesn't like sharing, especially his bandanas and clothing, but Kiara usually saw Frankie with either a t-shirt of JJ'S or a bandana,

There was this ache in her chest whenever she saw that, and she didn't know why,

"Why not." JJ replied, shrugging,

"You guys do know we have a test on Friday, right?" Pope spoke up,

JJ and Frankie shared a look before looking at Pope, clasping their hands together,

"Help us, oh, obi-wan." Pope smirked,

"Obi-wan, huh? I like that sound of that."


1066 words

Not proofread (autocorret sucks)


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