Sleepless and Confused

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As the sun rose that morning, I heard chattering emitting from below me. I groaned to myself and looked down from my branch, finding Tyler and Mia sitting beside the remnants of the fire we had made last night.

I had been on lookout last night until, my guess, around 1:30 A.M. Seeing as the sun was hastily rising, my senses told me it was around six-thirty.

I stretched out my wings, wincing as the injured one stretched too far. I stood, and hopped to the forest floor.

"Morning," Tyler greeted me as I sat down beside them.

"How long have you guys been up?" I ignored Tyler's cheerful greeting.

"Not long. Thirty minutes maybe?" Mia said. I nodded in response, then abruptly got up, claiming I was going to get more firewood.

As I left camp, I considered our possible outcomes. We couldn't stay in this forest forever; we needed to go to the city. But what if the Organization had scouts out, looking for us in he city? What if they were awaiting our coming out of the forest, only to kill us as quickly as we came out?

I had no idea what to expect.

I snapped out of my thoughts and stopped abruptly. Had I already reached the edge of the woods? Apparently I had.

I peeked out, my face tickled by the leaves of the dense forest trees.

I exhaled the breath I didn't realize I was holding when I saw nothing but grass and the distant outline of buildings on the horizon.

But what I had to consider, for the safety of the entire group, was where we stayed next.

We couldn't stay in the forest much longer; I had a bad feeling about it. We were too venerable here. Plus, food was limited. We couldn't live off squirrels and berries forever.

A rustling behind me stirred me into motion. I turned to find Fox behind me, standing with her hands clasped loosely together.

"Hey," I started, a smile creeping onto my face. "What're you doing up? It can't possibly by past 7:30."

"I couldn't sleep," she shrugged.

"Nightmares again?"

The ginger nodded.

I grunted. "Well, I'm glad you're up; we need to plan our next move."

She nodded. "We can't stay here much longer. God knows what'll happen."

I smiled at our similar thoughts. "They know we're here. We need to move. To the city."

"Good idea. Just one problem- how do we get there?"

"That's what I've been trying to figure out. If we all move at once, they'll notice, assuming they're still looking for us."

"Two at a time?" She suggested.

"Not everyone knows how to get there from here," I pointed out.

"True." She nodded, taking a breath. As she opened her mouth to speak again, she was interrupted.

"Jett? Fox? We need you guys back at camp," stated Mia.

"Is everything okay?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yeah, there's just... There's something I have to tell you." Mia took a shaky breath, then turned back towards camp.


Hey guys! Long time, no update. Sorry about that.

Anyway, sorry about the short update. This was more of a filler chapter. I suck at filler chapters. My apologies again.

So I hope you liked this update, and ilyasm!


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