Attack on the fort

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Zuko informs Rose that their soldiers lack the power to breach the fort's walls, and if they don't act swiftly, they will be wiped out by the relentless cannon fire.

Zuko: "Rose, our soldiers can't breach those walls! We need to act fast or we'll be decimated by the cannons!"

Miley: "Zuko, any ideas?"

Zuko: "We could send in more warriors, Raven and I, but-"

Commander: "Absolutely not! We can't risk losing two warriors. We need a plan, now!"

Just as they discuss their options, soldiers arrive with news that the fort is unveiling a new weapon—the anti-magic explosive cannon capable of killing warriors, including those who can use magic, with a single shot.

Rose: "Commander, Zuko and Raven's speed could help them dodge the cannon shots!"

Commander: "I can't risk their lives, Rose! Prepare the 800-man Imperial force for battle!"

Jack: "But Commander, this is madness!"

Rose: "Jack, you need to change your attitude if you want to be a warrior. We have to trust the commander's decision."

Jack: "But Commander, this is madness!"

Rose: "Jack, you need to change your attitude if you want to be a warrior. We have to trust the commander's decision."

[The traumatized Imperial units prepare to charge the enemy trenches with the intention of destroying the turret of the repeated crossbows.]

Miley: "Commander, I request permission to destroy the turret myself."

Commander: "Miley, that's too risky!"

Miley: "Sir, I can do this. Trust me."

Commander: "But..."

Miley: "Please, Commander. This is our best chance."

[After a moment of hesitation, the commander is convinced by Miley's determination.]

Commander: "Alright, Miley. You have my permission. But be careful."

[Miley removes her uniform, disguising herself as a demon as part of her strategy.]

Miley: whispering "Cloaked by the spell, I'll make my way to the fort."

[Two unaware Demon soldiers fail to notice a small bomb attached to the turret, and one of them begins firing arrows at Miley.]

Demon Soldier: "Intruder!"

[Jack witnesses the danger Miley faces and abandons the trench to come to her aid.]

Jack: "Miley!"

[Zuko appears on the battlefield, using his shield to block the incoming arrows.]

Zuko: "I've got you!"

[With swift precision, Zuko charges forward, demolishing the outpost where the two Demon soldiers are stationed.]

Rin: "The repeated crossbows are disabled! It's time to move!"

Lucian: "Initiate the plan! Prepare for parachuting into the fort!"

[The Imperial warrior unit advances towards Fort Derawar, striking fear into the hearts of the retreating Demon Forces.]

Zuko: "For the Empire!"

[Zuko wields his spear with deadly efficiency, decimating the enemy ranks.]

Raven: "Stay focused! Take them down!"

[Raven, armed with repeated crossbows, dispatches any charging demon warriors with precise accuracy.]

Jack: "I've got you!"

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