Party night

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Kai continued to clean his swords, his focus on maintaining his weapons even in the midst of the warzone. Meanwhile, Seraphina relentlessly trained, determined to master the second form she had been practicing.
Kai: Seraphina, you shouldn't push yourself so hard in the middle of a warzone. It's important to conserve your energy and stay focused.
Seraphina: Shut up, Kai. I'm just doing a little practice. I need to get stronger.

Suddenly, a young and beautiful female Wei warrior approached them, a smile adorning her face. She greeted them warmly and expressed admiration for their strength.

Ty: Hello there! Wow, you guys are strong. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ty Gin, but you can just call me Ty. I'm here to let you know that we're all gathering to have a drink tonight.

Kai and Seraphina looked at Ty with excitement, eager to partake in the festivities.

Kai: What are we drinking tonight?

Seraphina: Yeah, we're in! Let's celebrate!

Ty looked at them, slightly amused by their question, and replied.

Ty: We'll be drinking liquor. Tequila, wine, whiskey, and beer, to be precise.

Kai and Seraphina exchanged puzzled looks before responding.

Kai & Seraphina: We've never heard of those. Are they some kind of juices?

Ty: Seriously? Have you guys been living under a rock or something?

Kai & Seraphina: Well, in a way, we've been living inside a cave for the past seven years.

The conversation carried a mix of excitement, curiosity, and lightheartedness as the three of them prepared to join the festivities and share a drink with their fellow warriors.

Seraphina, engrossed in her books, had decided to stay in her tent for the night while Kai ventured out to join the drinking festivities. However, after three hours had passed, Seraphina grew concerned about Kai's well-being and decided to check on him at the party.

As she approached the gathering, she was met with a scene of chaos. Everyone around her was passed out drunk, and she noticed Ty sitting alone at a table, still drinking.

Seraphina: Ty, have you seen Kai anywhere?

Ty, with a drunken smile on her face, pointed towards the floor where Kai lay.

Seraphina: Why is he not wearing clothes?

Ty, in her intoxicated state, explained that Kai had challenged her to a game of drunken rock-paper-scissors. The loser had to drink a whole cup of liquor and remove a piece of clothing. Apparently, Kai had lost six times and eventually succumbed to the effects of alcohol, passing out.

Determined to wake Kai up, Seraphina grabbed a bucket of water and doused him, urging him to wake up from his drunken slumber. Ty, still inebriated, continued to laugh uncontrollably before finally succumbing to the urge to vomit.

Kai, awakening with a throbbing headache, noticed Seraphina's presence and greeted her with a groggy "hi." Unfazed by his state of undress, Seraphina looked at him with disgust and accused him of being a pervert. She promptly left the scene and returned to her tent.

As Seraphina retreated to her tent, she couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and annoyance at the absurdity of the situation. She settled back into her books, trying to put the chaotic events behind her.

Inside the tent, she focused on her reading, trying to regain her concentration. However, the events of the evening had left her mind restless. She found herself occasionally glancing towards the entrance, wondering if Kai would return or if he would continue his drunken escapades throughout the night.

Time passed, and Seraphina's concern for Kai began to grow. Despite her frustration with his behavior, she couldn't shake off the underlying worry for his well-being. She decided to venture out once again, determined to find him and make sure he was safe.

As she stepped out of her tent, she could hear the faint sounds of laughter and conversation coming from a nearby clearing. Following the noise, she found herself in the midst of a small gathering. Kai was sitting by a bonfire, now dressed in his clothes once again, surrounded by fellow Wei warriors.

Seraphina approached cautiously, a mix of relief and annoyance evident on her face. Kai looked up and noticed her presence, his expression turning from surprise to sheepishness.

Kai: Seraphina, I'm sorry about earlier. I got carried away with the drinking game. Are you alright?

Seraphina's initial anger softened slightly as she saw the genuine concern in Kai's eyes. She took a moment to compose herself before responding.

Seraphina: I'm fine, Kai. Just worried about you. Drinking excessively like that is dangerous, especially in the midst of a war. We need to stay focused.

Kai nodded, his face reflecting a mixture of remorse and understanding. He stood up, walking over to Seraphina, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Kai: You're right, Seraphina. I let my guard down, and I apologize. We have a duty to protect each other and our allies. Let's stay vigilant and focused on our mission.

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