Prince of the underworld part 2

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The battle reached its crescendo, the clash of their swords echoing like thunder. Sparks flew as their blades met, their powers locked in a titanic struggle. Eve's determination burned bright, refusing to be extinguished by Lucifer's darkness.

With a final surge of strength, Eve launched a devastating blow, empowered by the memory of Lucian's sacrifice. The force of her attack shattered Lucifer's defenses, sending him sprawling above the ground into the surface.

As the dust settled, Eve stood victorious, her chest heaving with exhaustion and grief. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the blood and dirt that adorned her weary visage. She had avenged her fallen companions.

Kneeling beside Lucian's lifeless form, Eve placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, whispering words of gratitude. She vowed to carry on his legacy. She began to walk outside to single the troops to enter the fort, but the moment after she shot the flare, a giant fireball launched at her, then everything went black.

As Eve awoke from her unconscious state, she was greeted by a horrifying sight. Fort Derawar lay in ruins, consumed by flames that danced in the night sky. Her heart clenched with a mixture of dread and determination as she surveyed the devastation. She couldn't help but wonder about the fate of the troops outside, their lives hanging in the balance.

But her respite was short-lived, for before her stood Lucifer, his presence radiating malevolence. A smirk twisted across his face as he questioned how she could still be alive. He mocked her, belittling her as nothing more than a fortunate survivor, relying solely on luck to endure.

Without warning, Lucifer lunged forward, grabbing Eve's hand and sadistically crushing two of her fingers. Agonizing pain shot through her body, and she recoiled in torment. Lucifer reveled in her suffering, relishing in her weakness as he taunted and insulted her relentlessly.

Finally released from his sadistic grip, Eve clutched her sword tightly, determination burning in her eyes. She knew she had to escape his clutches and find a way to fight back. She turned and fled, her footsteps echoing through the chaos, while Lucifer watched dumbfounded at her defiance.

But Lucifer was not one to be deterred. He pursued Eve, closing the distance with alarming speed. With a violent kick, he sent her crashing into a burning house, the flames licking at her back. She managed to escape the collapsing rubble, her body bruised and battered, but her spirit unbroken.

Lucifer closed in on her, his malicious laughter filling the air. He continued to berate her, reveling in her perceived disgrace and weakness. Eve's heart swelled with anger and determination. She desperately fought back, throwing anything she could find at him, but he brushed it off with contemptuous ease.

In a fit of rage, Lucifer delivered a brutal kick to Eve's stomach, causing her to double over in agony. Blood spilled from her lips as she gasped for air. Lucifer, amused by her feeble attempts, reveled in her weakness. He declared that despite her flaws, he found her disgraceful nature intriguing, a twisted affection for the pathetic.

But Lucifer's sadistic amusement quickly turned to shock as a figure emerged from the smoke. It was Lucian, his presence, a beacon of hope amidst the despair. He intercepted Lucifer's sword, deflecting the fatal blow intended for Eve. With an explosive swing of his blades, Lucian sent Lucifer sprawling away.

Eve's eyes widened in disbelief and relief as she witnessed Lucian's survival.

Lucifer's voice boomed with anger and disbelief. "How... how are you still alive? The poison should have killed you!"

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