2th Eternal war

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Seraphina's heart raced as she received the call from her mother, Lilith. The urgency in her voice made it clear that something significant was happening involving her sister, Eve. Without wasting a moment, Seraphina began getting dressed, her mind focused on the task at hand.

She hurriedly approached Kai, who was still groggy from sleep. "Kai, wake up! We need to go. My sister, Eve, is about to awaken, and it's important that we're there."

Kai blinked, trying to process the sudden change of plans. "But what about our mission? Shouldn't we finish what we started?"

Seraphina paused, her expression filled with determination. "The awakening of Eve takes precedence now. It's a matter of great importance, and we must be there to support and protect her. Our mission can wait."

Kai nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He quickly got up and started preparing himself for their journey. Together, they gathered their belongings and made their way to Seraphina's home, where her mother awaited them.

Upon their arrival, Seraphina and Kai were greeted by Lilith, a powerful and enigmatic figure. Her eyes held a mixture of concern and excitement as she embraced her daughter.

"Seraphina, Kai, I'm grateful that you both have come," Lilith said, her voice filled with a sense of urgency. "Eve's awakening is imminent, and we need all the support we can get."

Seraphina nodded, her gaze focused. "I understand, Mother. We're here to stand by Eve's side and fulfill our roles."

Lilith led them to a sacred chamber, where the ceremony to awaken Eve would take place. The room was adorned with ancient symbols and artifacts, invoking a sense of ancient power and mystique.

As they entered the chamber, Seraphina felt a surge of anticipation and nervousness. The air was thick with a charged energy, and she could sense the weight of the moment.

The ceremony began, with Lilith and a group of trusted individuals performing the rituals and chants necessary to awaken Eve. Seraphina and Kai stood at the periphery, their eyes fixed on the center of the room.

Time seemed to blur as the ceremony reached its climax. A radiant light enveloped the chamber, and a figure slowly emerged, emanating an aura of immense power. It was Eve, Seraphina's sister, awakening from her slumber.

Eve's eyes opened, and she locked gazes with Seraphina. There was a profound connection between them, a bond that transcended words. Seraphina could feel the weight of destiny resting upon her shoulders, knowing that her path was intricately entwined with that of her sister.

Lilith stepped forward, her voice filled with reverence. "Eve, my sister, we welcome your presence once again. Our world is in need of your strength and guidance."

Eve surveyed the room with a serene expression. "I have awakened to fulfill my purpose. I will lend my power to protect our land and restore balance where darkness threatens."

Suddenly a mysterious Fox mask man and Atriox floated in the air, the atmosphere tensed with danger and uncertainty. Seraphina, Kai, Lilith, and Eve stood their ground, weapons at the ready, prepared to defend themselves against this new threat.

Eve's eyes burned with determination as she confronted the mysterious man. "You underestimate the power of light and the strength of those who fight for justice. We will not be intimidated by your empty words."

The mysterious man laughed sinisterly, his voice echoing through the room. "You are but a fleeting flame in the face of eternal darkness. Your attempts to resist are futile. I'm Zero, the leader of Shadow and I'll hereby declared the 2th Eternal war and no one can stand in my way."

Before anyone could react, a loud explosion shook the room as Atriox initiated the bombing. Debris rained down, and chaos ensued as everyone scattered, desperately seeking cover.

Multiple large meteors crashes into all the realms, All the nations, All the cities, resulting in the deaths of billions.

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