Who could I be?

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Who am I

if I don't have my dream?

If I don't prove everyone wrong

everyone who's ever doubted me.

If I don't finish this in a year

to show them how smart I can be.

If I don't live up to the potential

they're telling me I can achieve.

Who am I,

if my life is about me

and not the thousands of things they think I can do

and want to see me succeed?

If I take some time off

and maybe lose a bit of me?

If I stop writing letters

texts, novels, poetry?

If I forget everything 

that makes me me?

If I learn new blueprints

to the human I can be?

Who am I,

if I change me?

If I focus on me,

will they call me crazy?

If I lose flexibility,

will they call me lazy?

If I get straight "C"s,

will they still praise me?

Who am I,

if I am stuck in between,

the girl of my dreams,

and just,


ideal version of me?

Who am I?


Who could I be?

I Wrote This At MidnightWhere stories live. Discover now