Chapter 1

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Tessa was walking onto school grounds with her friend Camryn by her side. Both girls were half asleep from staying up late the previous night to work on a report of the play Macbeth. Their friend Bryden soon joined and the girls greeted them with their normal friendship handshake.
"Sorry guys. I'm still in sleep mode, I was up so late last night" Bryden explained.
"Same. I was practically comatose finishing this beast" Camryn replied.
"Agreed" Tessa grumbled.
"Ah! The Macbeth report! I totally spaced it" she then looked at her watch "oh good I still have time, i'll just finish it right now quickly" She rambled at her normal fast pace of talking.
Bryden was explaining to her friends how she had started the report but later got distracted with a new idea to make a camera pen to spy on people. All the while she was aggressively typing on her phone, trying to finish the report before the school bell rang. How she could multitask like this and get everything done? Tessa would never understand. "There. Done. Macbeth" she stated
"Wow that was crazy fast!" Camryn said amused.
"Yeah you've gotta teach me your ways" Tessa agreed.
"I really gotta stop getting so distracted" Bryden stated.

Just then a cute boy walked by the trio, Bryden mumbled a acronym for the girls to decipher but as Camryn said what it stood for with enthusiasm,Tessa wasn't paying much attention, as a girl with ADHD Tessa sometimes found it hard to pay attention to the little meaningless things her friends said. She figured the acronym thing was more of a Cam and Bry thing anyway so she would just leave it as a thing for just the two of them.

As the trio walked into the school it was clear everyone was glued to their cell phones. Something big must be happening. They walked over to a group of teens huddled around one phone and realized it was about Prince Xander coming to Maywood Glen. While the girls (her friends included) gushed over the prince, Tessa pulled out her current read. Sure the prince was cute, but he always seemed so stuck up and big headed, not Tessa's type in the slightest. Tessa wanted someone she could laugh and mess around with. To tell about her stories, and make inside jokes to. Essentially she wanted a nerd just like her and her friends were. And the prince was definitely not a nerd.

Cam and Tessa were all of a sudden surrounded by a group of teens. Everybody talking at once about what they would give Cam in exchange for her helping them meet the famous british prince. Tessa only noticed because the group of teens started to block the light and talk obnoxiously loud, making it impossible to read her book. She put her bookmark back in and shut the book with a sigh, waiting for the group of teens to subside. She was able to catch the last few words of Bryden's sentence when herself and Cam were roughly grabbed by the teen and pulled out of the crowd and back into the normal hallway. "...Let's dash"

The group of girls were running down the hallway now giggling about the awkward situation and not paying much attention when they accidentally ran into a girl.
"Ow" The girl stated as gravity forced the objects in her hands to fall to the ground.
"I'm so sorry" Tessa exclaimed. That was when she caught a glimpse of the girl's face. 'Wow, she's really pretty,' Tessa thought. –Tessa was bisexual and had only recently came out to her friends about it. She was worried they wouldn't accept her, or wouldn't understand. She was pleasantly surprised that her friends were excited for her and so happy she had told them.—"We didn't mean to crash into you" added Cam.
"Here let us help you with that" Continued Bry.
"No, no, no. Thanks I got got it" The girl blurted.
Cam and Bry looked at her weirdly "You're new. Right?" Cam questioned.
"Uh, yeah! I'm new. Brand new. That's what I am. Just the new kid. No big deal" The new girl rambled on.
"So we just made a really bad impression on the new transfer student?" Said Bry.
"Go us" The three said in unison.
"It's ok, really. No broken bones. No chipped teeth. No split ends. I'm fine. Perfectly fine" the girl continued to ramble.
"I'm fine too Mckeyla" said an odd almost electronic voice.
"Who said that?" Asked Cam, curious now.
"Said what? I heard someone cough down the hall. You okay back there? I should probably go check" said the girl.
"It wasn't a cough. I heard words" continued Cam.
"Sounded like it came from your notebook" Said Bry confused.
"Oh. Oh that. That was my cell" the girl said as she pulled out her phone and then began to have a very awkward fake conversation as she walked away. But one word caught Tessa's attention.
'Girlfriend?' she thought 'Great I really have no chance with her then' she thought sadly. 'Or she could have just meant girl friend' Tessa was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't pay attention to any of the conversation her friends were having alongside her as they headed to their first class.

*** time skip ***

"Ok hold on. You're thinking what now?" Tessa asked the other two girls the next day.
"My dad said there was some kind of weird message threat at space inc. and we found some footage of someone hacking into my dad's laptop!" Cam hurriedly was trying to explain.
"And you really think the new girl Mckeyla is behind it somehow?" Tessa asked confused.
"It's gotta be her! Didn't you see the weird photo of him she was carrying around yesterday? Plus it can't be a coincidence this happens right after she mysteriously shows up out of nowhere" Bry continued to explain their theory.
"But she's just a teenager like us, how could she be involved in threatening the Prince's launch?" Tessa questioned. "All I'm saying is we can't just assume it's her. We have to have some kind of proof."
"She's right. And I think I know just how to get it" Bryden said with a mischievous smile.

*** time skip ***

    "So can you help us lift the fingerprints?" Bryden asked Adrienne.
    "Why of course! Let's find out if she really is the bad guy...girl" Adrienne replied. Bryden had an idea that if they could match Mckeyla's fingerprints to the ones on Cam's dad's laptop, then they would have proof that Mckeyla had something to do with this whole prince threat thing. And of course if anyone knew anything about lifting fingerprints, it would be their best friend Adrienne Attoms.

    "Alright well I'm staying out of this. I don't want to be a part of it if we find out your theory is wrong" Tessa said, rolling her eyes. She knew there was nothing she could do or say to stop her friends from investigating this. But she also didn't want to ruin any shot she did have with Mckeyla by helping her friends, if their theory turned out to be incorrect.

Her friends had decided they would find a way to swap pens with Mckeyla, then they would lift the prints and see if they matched. If they did, Tessa said she would go to help them spy on her (she didn't want to end up crushing on some random girl who's an enemy of the state or something). If they were wrong, then they would have to apologize and say that Tessa was right in the first place, a risk her friends were willing to take.

My Crush is a Spy?! Mckeyla Mcalister x fem oc Where stories live. Discover now