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The sound of the alarm loudly blared throughout the household, as a young girl with red auburn hair slammed down her tools on too her messy desk "I can't get one fucking break" she mumbled walking out of her room and across the academy halls catching up to her siblings.

 "What are you talking about this is the Umbrella Academy" a woman's voice echoed from down below "Wrong again this is the sparrow academy" Reginald spoke as the group of siblings met in the middle of the balcony looking down at the intruders. 'ching' echoed as a knife hit the wall behind the sparrows as they looked at each other concerned. 

"Dad who the hell are these assholes," Ben then said emerging from the shadows on the ground.

"Ben" Klaus laughed looking at his once-dead brother "Is that you" luther asked amazed "And who are the weirdos on the balcony!" diego shouted looking up at the group "They are the sparrows, my children," Reginald said "I'm sorry what do you mean children that not possible old man" five questioned looking at the man "of course it is, think id know wouldn't i" Reginald replied as the group of sparrows joined them on the floor.

 "Everybody else can see Ben right" Klaus asked pointing to him "Cute hat sundance" Ben spat at him and Klaus tipped his hat "They call themselves the Umbrella Academy a group of scheming perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas" Reginald stated as fives eyes were kept on the briefcase in the hallway "be warned they claim to be my spawn" he finished "claimed? look five what the hell is going on here" allison asked stepping closer to her father "I don't know yet but it's concerning" five shrugged "is it true?" Marcus asked the strangers "Not the part of us being perfidious" v told him "I would say were amateur-fidcous at least" Klaus suggested "Look we are his children and this is our home" v informed them "yeah yeah we grew up here" luther added on "oh yeah we grew up here" Alphonso mocked "I think we would've noticed you" Sloane added on as luther gazed shifted to her as he was taken aback "hi I'm luther" he then introduced "okay none of you belong here okay" allison said "okay then fine I guess we'll just pack our bags and leave" fei teased as Christopher chirped "you slay me Chris" ben snickered as the group laughed " look I'm afraid you're mistaken, this is our home so you need to leave now" the red-haired girl spat walking into the room as the group looked at her "Who the fuck is this," diego asked looking at the young girl "who the fuck are you" girl snarled at him.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't expecting company, this is all... I could make on sh---short notice" grace distorted walking into the room with cookies as diego put his knife away "Mom" he whispered "Mom, she's a robot you pervert" Jamie spat "It's not a robot" diego defended "hey don't call him that" Luther raised at her "or what" ben threatened "come closer and find out" luther threatened back "luther, guys chill," v said grabbing Luther's arm "stand down ben" Marcus then said "she's got a voice," luther then said pointing the jamie "luther" v yelled out "how about I hide that big rubix cube up your ass" diego yelled out to the cube as Jamie spat her venom on to Diego's cheek.

 "look  i don't know what circus you guys escaped from or how you got past security but you need to leave you've got 30 seconds" Marcus called out as he gestured to the door "Circus" luther yelled taken aback "were not asking you to stay for tea," the girl spat "now where do i know you from" klaus said walking closer to the girl as he looked at him flicking up her switch "look at that pipsqueak got a knife" diego teased "keep talking and i'll cut out your throat" she then yelled over to him "alright you need to leave" Marcus ordered "and if we don't" allison questioned "then well have to settle this the old fashion way" Marcus said as luther nodded his head "agreed", as Marcus started dancing as the umbrellas were taken aback before luther joined in "get him luther" klaus cheered as the sparrows started dancing together "luther what are you doing" diego asked his brother "protecting our honor bro" luther smiled before all the umbrellas started dancing together "oh shit were really good at this" diego cheered as the two academys danced.

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