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the elevator doors opened and the girl walked out to the empty garden her hand placed on her heart as she felt it beat "Oh my god I'm alive" She smiled as she desperately looked around "Five....Sloane... Lila...........ben" she shouted her voice echoing throughout the garden as no one answered "shit"

 "Oh, how I hate you" she whispered looking at Reginald's statue as she tried to use her powers. Still, her mind became empty "shit" she gasped looking at her hands as she realised her sparrow tattoo had gone "This isn't good" she mumbled looking at the different paths laid out in front of her as she chose one.

"where the hell am I," she said running out into the city streets as passers-by pushed past her "Hey sorry what year is it," she asked stopping a woman and her child as they quickly rushed past her "Sorry could I borrow that" she then asked trying to grab a mans maganize as he pulled it away "yeah okay" she muttered looking around "Five?" the girl whispered as she caught sight of a familiar figure up ahead "No Five" she shouted trying to run over to him with her voice blended in with the city sounds "five" she continued to scream pushing past people "wait" the girl shouted watching the boy turn a corner as she continued to try and run after him, trying not to lose sight of him 

"five" Elena's voice echoed as she followed Five to a nearby stream he turned around and their eyes met one another from a distance "Elena" he shouted back as the girl smiled running towards him "You're alive" he yelled running over to her as they met in each other's arms both tightening their grip scare to let each other go. As they hugged, the tension and relief washed over them, and Elena's eyes welled up with tears. "I thought I'd never see you again," Five whispered, his voice shaking. Elena's grip only tightened, her face buried in his shoulder as she breathed in deeply, savouring the scent of him and the feeling of comfort. For a moment, they just stood there, holding each other, the sounds of the stream and city fading into the background as they relived the terror and joy of being reunited. 

"I love you too" Elena whispered on his shoulder as five hugged her even tighter as they stood there, as they looked into one another eyes as their lips collided passionately as the noise of the bustling city faded into their background.

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