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"I'm confused" diego said "shocking" allison muttered "when are you not diego" elena then said as diego was taken aback "well someone killed our  mothers so we shouldn't  exist but clearly we do exist and the universe cant handle it which is a problem" viktor said "big problem" five agreed.

"high ya" Stanley yelled kicking the air behind the group as they turned to him "Stanley now is not the time to be doing karate" diego scolded "yeah well mum said i need to practice" the kid yelled back "shes not wrong your very bad" diego then agreed "yeah well i saved your pathetic ass" stanley said,  "wait hold on, so five we caused a paradox what does that mean" allison asked as they turned their gaze back to her, "its hard to say its all been theoretical until now but things have started to disappear," five said "what things" viktor asked "well right now lobsters" five started "and a shit ton of cows" klaus yelled getting up of the floor as five nodded "but I have a feeling that this is just the beginning"  "a feeling arent your retired?," allison asked  "i want nothing more," five said "you know you cant keep dragging us from hell because you have an itch on the apocalypse can scratch and then expect us to deal with he fallout your not the bos" allison spat "fine im the messenger and I'm telling you something bad is coming" five corrected "then lets go attack the sparrows get the briefcase and go home" allison suggested "this is our home allison accept it" five said 

Allison's eyes narrowed as she approached the girl, her tone firm. "She must know something," she said, her gaze piercing. "Where's our briefcase, Number 8?" The girl's eyes darted at her, her lips pursed. "I don't know, we don't have it," Elena sneered, mimicking the woman's words. Allison's face twisted in annoyance. "Are you mocking me?" she spat. Elena's smile grew wider as Sarcams' features contorted in anger. "Watch it, bird brain," Allison snarled, her hand tightening into a fist. Elena's expression turned cold, her voice dripping with condescension. "I would be very careful how you speak to me, Allison. Your fate here is in me and my family's hands." Allison scoffed, her eyes flashing with defiance. "You have no power in this timeline, I do. Am I clear?" elena said tilting her head as the sound of poles hitting the ground catch the groups attention as they all looked over to stanley

 "thats it I'm telling your mom" diego shouted walking over to stanley "ooh I'm so scared" stanely teased "wait wheres lila" five then asked "taking a shower i said she could stay with us" stanely said "wait when did lila get back?" viktor asked "when did lila get here?" elena questioned as five began to walk away "five where you going" diego then asked "going to talk to somebody who only has half their head stuck up their ass" he said walking away from the group "don't leave five don't" klaus pleaded from the corner "no klaus I'm leaving" five called out.

"i mean he has a pretty good track record with this stuff  i feel like we should listen to him" viktor said "sure hey quick question do none of you heartless bastards care about your murderd moms" klaus asked slamming the book down "klaus the only mom we knew plugged into a wall" diego said as klaus looked at elena "and the only motherly figure i knew was psychotic" elena said shrugging "oh yeah but this is my real mother her names rachel and i have her eyes" klaus pouted "come one we need to find who did this, this is the thing, this is the main thing" klaus said slamming the book down "is that yall you want" diego shouted "yes" kluas shouted back "cause i means its obliously dad alright he knew where were born, he hated us in '63 boom murders" diego said "you think dad is capable of killing innocent people" klaus questioned as everyone agreed as klaus sighed agreeing as they all looked at elena "so...." she awkwardly said swinging her arms.

"little late for a meeting pal" diego said as luther walked into the room "oh thankgod" elena mumbled "i was being help captive by the sparrows" luther said as everyone looked at elena "what" viktor said "wait did none of you notice" luther questioned as the girl laughed "of course" klasu mumbled "glad your home safe" diego mumbled aswell "stop lying"allison scoffed as luther nodded "did they hurt you" she then asked "the sparrows no their excellent hosts really quite charming actually" luther said dumping his stuff of the table "oh an you should see their gym outstanding i really think we got these guys all wrong" luther continued "says the guy they kidnapped" allison said taking a vinyl out of luthers bag "what did they want" diego asked "oh Marcus he's missing they want him back unharmed" luther said "we don't have him" viktor said as elena mumbled something under her breath "oh well then damn thats a problem i was hoping to sell quickly and then move on too problem number two missing people" luther said as everyone looked at him confused "also problem number 3 why is elena here" he then asked pointing at the girl as she waved "i was kidnapped too" she said as luther nodded as the sound glass smashing caught their attention.

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