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"let's never do that again" Viktor panted as the family burst out on the other side of the passage "What narrowly escaped the apocalypse" five asked "its kinda our thing isn't it" diego added oj "There's something very wrong about that" allison then spoke as ben looked at the backwards buffalo "same suite just ass backwards" Lila then said "no hyperbole there" five agreed "this is some hardcore Alice in wonderland shit" ben added "reminds me of the weird time when I was high" elean then snorted "yeah it only gets weirder," deigo said pointing his gaze at Reginald who came running out slamming the door shut behind him.

 "at last the other side  "where Klaus" viktor then asked as the man sighed"Children I'm sorry but your brother i did all I could but he didn't make in through in time the kugel blitz claimed its last victim," "no he was right behind me when i entered the tunnel " five recalled "we need to go back" Sloane begged "there's nothing to go back too," Reginald said "well maybe he's still stuck in there," elena asked "I'm afraid not when i looked behind me on the way through he wasn't there," he said as elena clenched her jaw "children there will be time or tear later right now we have to keep moving," Reginald said beginning to walk out "wait and luther and Klaus" viktor questioned as elena slightly counted the group.

"makes you feel tiny huh" luther said chewing on his food "why would you put pineapple on pizza" klaus mumbled in digust "you know when you think about it we are just tiny specks of sandin a desert full of other sand" luther said "i mean its a garish for cocktails at best" Klaus continued with his rant as so did luther "and that's inside solar system inside deserts of galaxies" "i guess the real question is why is it on my pizza" klaus whined "klaus are you listening" luther then shouted "yeah sure were insignificant in all things blah blah I'm sorry I'm not stoned undergrad sitting in freshman philosophy" klaus shrugged as luhter looked around "wait a second where exactly are we" "were dead man" Klaus blanky said "were dead" luther then softly  gasped "welcome to my hood" Klaus smiled as a girl on her bike passed through "I'm dead" luther asked "yeah and im so glad to be here for your first time cause its kinda weird feeling" klaus said holding his hand "its like waking up from a really vivid dream but dont worry cause its all going to make sense really soon" klasu reassured "oh my god dad killed me" luther then quietly said "oh my god he killed me to, a lot" klaus gaspe "he's an alien" luther then said "we try not to use that kinda termionaly here i know its whoapc but you could just say he's british" klaus told him "no no i mean he's a real alien he's like a bug person from another planet oh god klaus you gotta go back and warn sloane and the others" luther quickly said "non passoo i mean im done with the other side" klaus refused "excuse me" luther shouted as klaus looked at him "yeah i belong here all my life I've been a loser I've been a freak I've made mistake after mistake after mistake but all that was a sign you see it was a sign this is my home its where i meant to be" "this shitty place" luther questioned " come on i meant in the etheral silly with you and all our--" klaus said turning around to look at the emptiness of the desert "ghostly enteral pals" he blanky said realising "where the hell does that leave me" luther shouted throwing his arms in the air "eating pizzas and watching cool documtneis with moi forever" klaus said "wait so your justa going to turn your back on our family" luther grunted "i wouldn't worry about it they'll be here soon enough everybody dies eventually am i right" klaus said as luther pursed his lips together "yeah i mean were dead right" "as the dougie baby" klaus cheered "as the dougie baby" luther cheered with him "so what happens if i do this" luther then asked before punching klaus across the face sending him tumbling over as he groaned out in pain "nice try big guy but there ain't no pain in the void" klaus then laughed "yeah take your best shot" he shouted "challenged accepted" luther agreed.

"it's magnificent" Reginald gasped as the group walked out of the elevator onto the main floor "You guys should've stayed here this is way nicer" Ben said "lila and i barely got out alive last time remember" diego recalled "but im here this time and the numbers are in favour" ben pointed out "well what ever it was it was strong fast and super pissed" lila joined in as the group kept on walking "now what ever you do not ring the bell" diego then asked pointing as the silver bell sitting on the desk "unless you want to loose a finger... or a tentacle" he added on as ben rolled his eyes "i'll take my chances" Sloane said walking over as lila stopped her "dont" "get out fo my way" sloane then hissed "to take this out we need to be in the right state of mind" lila calmy said "state of mind do you mean i am angry yes i am angry i wanna kill whatever it is what hurt luther" sloane shouted as tears formed in her eyes "luther isn't the only one that is gone we lost klaus too i am angry okay we all are but we have to be smart about this" viktor then said "yeah when the time is right well act" lila added on "dont even try it five the doors wont let you out" dieog called out the the boy as he walked over to the doors "so what were stuck in here" allison asked "this place is a test and a trap  and a means of salvation all at once" reginald spoke "does anyone know what that sign says" viktor asked pointing the sign written in japanese near the bell "yeah it says do not ring the bell thats what it means" diego hissed.

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