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"Is everyone okay," luther coughed as they met in the hotel lobby "Barely.." Lila mumbled, "Are they okay?" Sloane asked sitting next to her unconscious siblings as she brushed the hair out of elenas face "Hard to say, they were unconscious when I got them" five softly spoke "What the hell happened" Viktor asked "The Kugelblitz, it must have been too much for Christopher to handle so it imploded in him" five muttered "what does that mean five" diego asked "the end" five said sadly.

"you alright" Five softly spoke as the girls regained consciousness "Owe" she mumbled touching the graze on her chin as Five placed a cloth on it,  the girl's eyes fluttered open, her gaze unfocused as she took in her surroundings. She was lying on the floor, and Five was kneeling beside her, concern etched on her face. "Why are you looking at me like that...what happened,?" she spoke, her voice hoarse from the dryness in her mouth, the boy's expression softened as he helped the girl up leaning her against the wall "You got knocked out by the kugel blitz," he said as the girl looked at him in concern "awesome and what about the others are they okay" she muttered looking around "they're fine, ben took a hard hit but he's okay" five reassured "how about fei and Chris," she asked as five sadly looked at her, the girl leaned her head against the wall knowing what the face meant "we were so close" she mumbled as five agreed  "yeah I know" 

"so how is that were still here but the entire universe is going down is cosmetic shitter" allison questioned "maybe were the last to get flushed" viktor guessed "i wasn't talking to you" allison spat "hey has anyone seen klaus" luther then asked as they all shrugged "or dad" sloane added on "eh he can stay away" elena scoffed "they will be here" diego reassured "really did they hit..traffic" ben snarked as elena rolled her eyes "look people were alive because were special were the only ones who can save the universe" ben boldly spoke "uh question" allison then asked as ben pointed at her "didn't we just try that and final miserably" she sassed "yeah its because his plan was stupid" diego pointed out "i gotta better one" "of course you do" diego scoffed "we go with the large hard on particle accelerator you guys do some science and we launch the kugelblitz into our space" diego suggested as everyone rolled their eyes "didn't think i knew that did you its in switzwerland" he chuckled "its hadron no hard on ya moron" ben yelled "aye at least he's trying you shitty little squid what have to contrubted" lila defended.

 "Actually he blew up half his family" diego pointed out "Oi watch it" elena spat "Oh you wanna talk about family problems you know what should've blown up that face on your neck" Ben yelled "I wish I had a cake to hit you with it in your face" diego yelled back as the pair argued in their mother tongue "oi schneiden et aus" elena then yelled out as they looked at her "Kënnt Dir zwee brainless Idioten just eng Sekonn roueg sinn Är Stëmmen sinn agoniséieren, wéi Är Gesiichter ze kucken" she continued  "did you just call us brainless idiots" ben scoffed as the girl smirked at him 

"hey you guys done" five then shouted as he walked over "the universe is dispearring out there so you can keep rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic if it makes you feel better but the fact remains that we are too late" five said as ben and diego scoffed "five come on" luther then scoffed "its over luther we failed"  the boy said "come on it cant be over over" viktor questioned "yeah come on five we gotta figure this out man" diego encouraged "how about we take a step back, and look at the big picture here most of us have spend the last 28 days trying to stop the world from ending, what exactly have we accomplished" five asked as the family looked around in silence "well we made some friends along the way" luthr then spoke up looking at sloane "incorrect" five yelled "you know what we have done nothing we have made things worse every single time" five spat "amen to that" allison mumbled "look when i went to the commission and i had a convosation  with my 100 year old self... my last words were dont save the world" five said as viktor repeated it confused "dont save the world" five nodded "thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard" diego then shouted standing up from his seat "is it well whatever were doings not working all we ever do is safe the world for a day pat ourselves on the back then the whole world goes to shit again" luther added in "maybe were the problem" viktor shrugged as allison scoffed "wait so your big plan is no plan" lila questioned "exactly consciousnetes objection" five said pointing at lila "why the hell not we've tried everything else look maybe this is what the universe needs i say embrace the apocalypse and see whats on the otherside" "what if its nothing" sloane then asked "then its been nice knowing you all everything that is one your bucketlist i suggest you do that now" five finished as he walked away.

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